Crown Chakra: Blockage, Leaks, Imbalances
Crown Chakra: Blockage, Leaks, Imbalances
Video 98
In this video I will discuss different symptoms you my have with a blocked chakra. You will also find out how leaks and etc effect you.
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Can you get it from someone who you trust at first, later you realize they control you and your life so they can take advantage
I’m being told my tmj/tmd disorder isn’t curable and I know it’s caused by trigger points in the brain and muscles surrounding the face like cheek teeth and neck so I need to ask because I’m having chronic pain will this heal me
i get negative thoughts sometimes how can i tell if i have blockages? can you explain to me a little bit please
This makes so much sense for me, I have this friend that we sometimes have similar opinions, and I really like him but he was a very sad person, so when I was in a strong spiritual stability I try to help him, but that destroyed me
He’s treat by his others friends like a authority in opinion, and I usually go against him, when that happens I feel tired for just a day in his presence
Today I cant even stand a two words conversation with him with out feeling rage, and I feel bad about it because his is a precius friend but at the same time I almost hate him
I started crying watching this because I found out why I have been so out of character !! :'( I will reclaim myself ! <3333333
it seems to me the only way to stop anyone controling your crown chakra is to allow everyone to control it. Set it free if that makes any sense. as soon as you start thinking about vampires its being controled by your hate
hey i feel i am in fight or flight state… i was so present something pull me out of my spirtual path… now my crown chackra is so blocked… my head hurts and also i feel like twitches and electroshocks in my head… now i am scary to meditate again cuz i think something is gonna happen to me. shit please help meeee i have been crying since then i has been almost 2 months already
You look like cute grandma in glasses
Very interesting you mentioned the depression, loneliness, and being out of character. In 2015 I had a psychotic experience with manic depression and I was very sensitive to light and pollution. I also thought I controlled my surroundings and became frustrated when sheer will power alone didn’t do anything. After reading about the crown chakra imbalance it made a lot of sense and I wish I knew about these things back then! Thank you, light & love
Well, this is what I have been going through until I discovered my spirituality. think I’m recovering a little bit now, great video.
Absolutely. I feel strange, in my mind are floating dreams and feelings that I don’t know where they’re coming from. One night I woke up with terrible pain on the top of my head. I was in hell for months. Like my mind was picking up numerous radio signals..And I’m really sensitive and unstable. I will definitely work on it, altrough I’m not sure what will help.
is it possible to never recover from a leak in your crown?
yay crown
Very trueeee, omg. How to fix this?
yup mine is 100% blocked ! What do I do?
This is a really good video . I love the messages .
and i just wanted to add when a person has these negative thoughts that arn’t even your own why would you have them in the first place and how come im picking up on these thoughts? why would the person send them to me and how do i get rid of it?
I love there are kick ass people like you from my hometown you’re awesome
Thank you, Akasha for this effort π
Yay more videos