Connecting With and Healing Your Heart (Heart Meditation) – Teal Swan
Connecting With and Healing Your Heart (Heart Meditation) – Teal Swan
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The heart is the first organ to form when the body is developing in utero. When an embryo is made up of only a very few cells, each cell can get the nutrients it needs directly from its surroundings. But as the cells divide and multiply to form a growing body, it soon becomes impossible for nutrients to reach all the cells efficiently without help. The cells also produce waste that they need to get rid of. So the heart and the blood and circulatory system that branches off from the heart, form the first organ system to develop in the human body. The heart is the connection between all future systems, which comprise the body. This is why it is so often seen as the center of your being. You can use the heart as a doorway between physical and non-physical reality. It is the main doorway between your soul and your physical body.
In this episode, TEAL shares a process that serves to connect us with our hearts and reminds us that we are in a relationship with our hearts. Our heart is your best friend and it is our life partner. If we want to thrive, we have to treat the relationship with our heart like we would treat the relationship with our significant other.
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👉 Who Is Teal Swan?
Teal Swan is a New Thought Leader and a Bestselling Author who is an expert in human development and relationships. She has over a decade of experience working with people of all walks of life with a mission to reduce human suffering.
Today, she’s also become an International Speaker, having facilitated retreats and life changing workshops in large venues worldwide. Teal was ranked 15th on The Watkins Most Spiritually Influential Living People in 2023.
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Beginning Song:
Kuan Yin’s Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel
Visualise your heart as a mini being
Imagine your heart as a seperate being inside you
What would this being want?
What would this being dislike?
Does this being feel appreciated and loved or ignored and undervalued?
What does your heart feel like?
If your heart had a personality what would its personality be like?
Ask it directly
What makes you unhappy?
What do you need me to do differently?
If you could have one wish what would it be?
What do you have to tell me?
After you are done asking it questions its your turn to consult your heart
What do you think your heart needs to hear?
Teal is the GOAT… I will make it back to paradise mainly because of Teal Swan’s Videos
So I am not a squeamish person in any way EXCEPT when it comes to the heart. I was in nursing school and could take blood, start an IV, give shots, learn about anything and everything just fine. Until it came to the heart. Then I passed out in class. Out of nowhere. And every time we learned about the heart I’d get white and clammy and start to pass out. The sound of a heart beat stresses me out to the point of hyperventilating. I’m told that’s supposed to be a calming sound because we heard it in the womb but for me it induces a near panic attack. Any thoughts?
I love love love this … Thank You ❤
thank you!
Thank you Teal Swan. You are doing God’s work
Lol. I’ve always been weird. If I’m close to you Ive put my ear to your chest and listened to the sound of your heart. I never knew why I did that.
Thank you. I had heart ache for like 1 year and a half physically. Then this morning 2am I got in tune with it. Reialized I wanted to give a woman the whole world and forgot about my heart and giving that same love to my heart was a beautiful moment. I was so happy that I figured out what it wanted, we. And I couldn’t even sleep how happy. I felt my heart doing all this work and felt unappreciated kinda of like me and in that same way I bonded even mor and loved myself and ahhh so many things moral is. Thank you
I couldn’t process the words too much in this exercise cuz I cried the whole time…
And then I stopped feeling my heart at all :DD dangit!
Also my heart looks different every time. First it was hairy and became this black ink ball. My crying made it into this bruised up girl that lives inside a heart, and now its like a lifeless silicone heart toy people like to yeet around.
Es por eso que el "corazón" es el símbolo del "amor."
are you related to alexander lyon?
My heart is a loving mother. My head and heart have remained rather distant from each other because my brain has a collective of toxic memories and neural pathways which can hurt the heart. I need to fix the mind first in order to fully establish a heart-mind connection. I guess that is the next step?
Thank you teal xxx
This was one of the most powerful exercises I’ve ever done. I brought me an overwhelming sense of joy and gratitude, I had extremely powerful visuals and now I have a newfound gratitude and love for my heart. I can see why opening your heart chakra can help you to opening the gate into the quantum and vibrational world. I am manifesting all that i desire and will use this ancestral gift for the good of the world
I literally slapped myself, I felt for so long there was something caught in my limbic system. Understandably.. it was indigestion. Thank you
My heart was saying a lot, I feel like it wants to be heard more for sure. I will also mention that at first I could barely feel my heart beating once I placed both my hands on top of my chest. I had to really press firmly in order to feel it beat. It is weak right now and it hurts. I thought I healed most of my pain a year ago…but I only healed a percentage of it. My heart definitely wants to express itself more.
Ask your heart:
-what do you want?
-what do you dislike?
-do you feel appreciated?
-do you feel undervalued?
-what makes you unhappy
-what do you need me to do differently?
-if you could have one wish, what would you tell me?
Well. Through the teaching in your video, I am finally able to face my heart issues. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and truth with us. Life is changing for me.
What an amazing powerful video! Thank you! ❤
1: imagine your heart as a separate being
2: What makes you unhappy?
3: What do you need me to do differently?
4: If you could have one wish, what would it be?
5: What do you need to tell me?
Next: Acknowledge the concerns of the heart, validate it’s feelings and say you will meet the needs of the heart.
Express gratitude.
Imagine love and gratitude through your heart and body.
Promise that you’ll always be there.
Take four deep breaths before coming back.
I saw this so many years ago. Just watched again sent to everyone. I love you
Thank you
When she says to imagine and feel love surrounding and pumping into the heart and out to every organ, i cant feel the love. i dont know where to pull it from. for some reason i am not able to receive it.
Such a Powerful and calming exercise
Thank you for your help, I am post open heart surgery and my heart feels isolated!
Great content!
I have done this meditation for years. Thank you Teal.
thank you
I was expecting my heart to be personified as a woman and in a lot of pain, but I was surprised to see that my heart is a young boy/man, like the Fool card in the Tarot. He is driven by the beauty in this world and has a lot of love to give. He already feels loved and is more desperate to give than to receive. He is also in a lot of pain, battered and bruised as if after a battle, with streaks of black and red across half of it. But it is smiling and optimistic, too optimistic, looking forward to the journey we are stepping onto, glad we made the decisions we did. It is a gorgeous, optimistic man, with a gorgeous fkboy grin, awaiting adventure while lying upright in a hospital bed, all damaged lol.
Thank you!
This is not a meditation.
Thank u so much. I believe i have been following my heart all my life. It makes me cry