Colorado Quartz Crystals Popping Right Out The Ground!
Colorado Quartz Crystals Popping Right Out The Ground!
The Crystal Collector visits Colorado! So many places in this state to find minerals, at this location Nico the claim owner is just scratching the surface! Beautiful crystals are being found with beautiful phantoms with beautiful scenery making for a beautiful day!! 
For awesome giveaways and inside scoops on the latest dig locations and invites with the crystal collector, search on Facebook for “The Crystal Clubhouse”
To purchase crystals check out the eBay store link below and the ultra rocks Facebook page!
Hi Crystal Collector in this video at 7:26 the gem on the 9 o clock position with the black on top, how can I get a very small specimen like that,I live in Kansas and dont travel I’d be willing to pay for shipping if I might be able to get one
I like how he was using an antler to pull out the crystals
I lived in Red Feather Lakes CO, for 10 yrs & have 100’s of pounds of multiple kinds of quartz pulled from my secret spot that is now claimed all up but I found it first
Crystals the size of your forearm with Hematite red sheen & yellow druizies .. etc … If I could post pics here I’d show! All of Red Feather Lakes has crystal pockets running through it & old amethyst mine from the 1960’s in town that still operates sometimes
Amazing state with so many minerals! <3<3 <3 BTW this looks like the same area I found mine
must be close … lol I think I met Nico years back
Like florite in Colorado ?
I really could use you right now. I believe I found a new discovery on a huge crystal vien pocket whatever you call them. The hillsides a section with them just coming out of the ground. I have 30 -40 chunks and pieces and some candle crystal. I also found one size of my fist that’s broken. I can’t imagine what’s in the ground. If you read this and wanna come out to wyoming I don’t think you will be disappointed… if you are interested I’ll get you my info. I been smiling ear to ear all week. I just don’t know much on them but some of the and the big one looks like ones you digging now. Also with two other types coming out too … anyways hope you wanna dig crystals in a new area.
Where in colorado is this?? I am also a crystal collector and was wondering if you could please send me nicos info??
That look’s just like harlequin quartz
I’m in South central Kansas and you said we can dig where we live so would Kansas have any type of crystals?????
Pls, what this regae song???
My friend you are taked all the Crystal
From the States and one day mo more.
Look at that
I can’t stop watching your videos! Your excitement about finding these beautiful crystals, rocks, jams, fossils, sharks teeth and everything in between is so inspiring! So what’s in store for us this summer?
Where is this
Is there any good rockhounding around 11 mile canyon?
Your enthusiasm is infectious, guys! Now I know I’ll spend Labor Day covered in Devil’s Head dirt!
I enjoy seeing the cleaned crystal right after you pull the dirty version out of the pocket!
Cave man, I found something in FL I wanted to share a picture. How do I do that?
You are so lucky to be able to be doing all these mining things. I so would love to.
Do you need a permit or something to get those?
This is absolutely life goals to me. I find geodes all the time at a creek by my house. Ready to take it to the next level. Hope to run into you along the way one day. I appreciate your inspiration and information. You ROCK!
Do you have a store?
You are such a joy to watch.
Tell Niko he still owes me $13
USA sure has alot of mining sights!
And i havent been watching u for a long time now,
so i have a question!
Have u ever visited the Amethyst mine panaroma in Ontario,Canada?
You guys always make it so fun, thanks for sharing with us old grandparents that can’t get out !
Like these crystals and loving green toes.
Hola como están
Trabajando como siempre con los tesoros de cristales q tengas bendiciones y éxitos también sabes
Me gustan ver sus vídeos por la televisión son hermosos y a la vez los paisajes también felicitaciones para ti y amistades y familias
Por descubrir estas bellezas terrenales eres la persona q
Disfrutas su trabajo
Con sacar los cristales de diferentes colores gracias por sus vídeos
What a great day!
I learn so much from you guys. I’ve always loved crystals. My engagement ring is an aquamarine and one of my wedding rings is hematite.
Beautiful crystal

I miss being able to collect crystals. I’m a Colorado native but live in Florida now. We have zero pegmatites. Luckily, northern Georgia isn’t all that far. Thanks so much for sharing this video.
Hi Brian, how can I contact Nico?
I’d love to dig for crystals!
This is awesome! I would love to connect with Nico at some point to visit this claim with him, if possible. How can we connect?
Love to watch your videos and of course all crystals!
I wanna go whaaaatttt!!!
I live in Colorado where we’re u at?
Those are crazy good finds