Pink Tourmaline
The Magickal Properties of Tourmaline
The Magickal Properties of Tourmaline Hello family! I’m back with you today to discuss the Magickal and metaphysical properties of black Tourmaline. It is an extremely useful Crystal for all kinds of practices including energy work, witchcraft, and spiritualism. (And more). It is the perfect tool for any energy worker or witch to have in…
Read MorePink Tourmaline in Quartz Crystals
Pink Tourmaline in Quartz Crystals 💗 SHOP NOW 💗 → These crystals are said to align and clear the heart chakra. 💗 GET YOURS HERE 💗 → #awakening #grounding #crystals #reiki #spirit #manifestation #meditation #throwinstones
Read MoreCrystal for the month of Oct. – Pink Tourmaline
Crystal for the month of Oct. – Pink Tourmaline Get ready to open your heart to LOVE this month!
Read MoreA crystal a day – Pink Tourmaline
A crystal a day – Pink Tourmaline Pink Tourmaline resonates with the Heart Chakra. Here we look at working on it at a deeper level than we would with Rose Quartz. Self-reflection is key in terms of looking at what patterns of behaviour need to be released to live in a higher vibration.
Read MoreSparHawk Maine Tourmaline – Ice Cream Sundae Pocket, a video by Cross
SparHawk Maine Tourmaline – Ice Cream Sundae Pocket, a video by Cross Sometime near noon Jeff opens a second gem pocket. A small opening in the rock, just enough room for a hand to slip in. This pocket is filled with water, a puddle pocket. A tray appears lined with a white towel with a…
Read MoreGiant Pink Tourmaline in Quartz Crystal Specimen | 35 LBS Crystal Quartz w/ tons of Pink Tourmaline
Giant Pink Tourmaline in Quartz Crystal Specimen | 35 LBS Crystal Quartz w/ tons of Pink Tourmaline This gorgeous specimen from Brazil is in a quartz matrix, there are at least 30 to 40 separate Pink Tourmaline shards going through all the way through both sides. This piece is the largest I have remaining, and…
Read MorePink tourmaline rough
Pink tourmaline rough Gemological Institute of Cambodia GEMIC Laboratory Co., Ltd. Gemological Institute of Cambodia – Gemic Laboratory
Read MoreHome Remedies For Pink Eye, Use With Ease And Convenience
”; Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the surface of eye and the inner surface of eyelids which results in the redness, itching, discharge, pain and tearing. There are various home remedies for pink eye which can be used at home with ease and convenience.There are many causes which can result…
Read MorePink Tourmaline
Pink Tourmaline love, emotional healing, heart chakra, water element, heart and lung, helps repair holes in the auric field from emotional wounds, encourages on to become a living becon of love energies.
Read MoreI can't Witch without… Pink Tourmaline
I can't Witch without… Pink Tourmaline For the healing series My own recipe and design all rights reserved All my own work recipe and design all rights reserved
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