Energy Fusion: Phenacite Meets Rose Quartz | A Chi-Enhancing Experiment with Wolfgang

Energy Fusion: Phenacite Meets Rose Quartz | A Chi-Enhancing Experiment with Wolfgang What happens when you combine Phenacite and Rose Quartz? Watch Wolfgang demonstrate the impact of this unique chi-enhancing crystal pairing. e-mail for appointments: website: YouTube Channel: Hashtags: #Phenacite #RoseQuartz #CrystalEnergy #ChiEnhancement #CrystalCombination #WolfgangWisdom

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Pinging a Phenacite with a Solfeggio 963 Hz Tuning Fork : An Energy Experience for Sensetives

Pinging a Phenacite with a Solfeggio 963 Hz Tuning Fork : An Energy Experience for Sensetives What happens when Phenacite is pinged with a Solfeggio 963 Hz tuning fork? Dive into this unique energetic experience and observe the results firsthand. e-mail for appointments: website: YouTube Channel: #Phenacite #Solfeggio963Hz #TuningFork #EnergyExperiment #CrystalVibration

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Phenakite Crystal // BE The Observer! *Phenakite Crystal Benefits*

Phenakite Crystal // BE The Observer! *Phenakite Crystal Benefits* My life has changed profoundly…My perspectives, who I thought I was…It has all changed. Because of Phenakite. This is the metaphysical energy of phenakite crystal and how it has helped me to be the observer, the most powerful seat to sit in. These are phenakite crystal…

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