Healing chakra meditation, balancing your chakras, all 7 chakras meditation, all 7 chakras healing

Healing chakra meditation, balancing your chakras, all 7 chakras meditation, all 7 chakras healing Soothing Relaxation And Meditation welcomes you !! Soothing Relaxation And Meditation welcomes you !! ► Subscribe us it is FREE: https://youtube.com/c/soothingrelaxationandmeditation?sub_confirmation=1 But content in our video’s are valuable to all, ► We’re on Instagram as @soothing_relaxation_4u: https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=xp73zbgg686e&utm_content=mccouc2 ► FACEBOOK PG: https://www.facebook.com/soothingrelaxation001/…

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What is Clairaudience and how to develop it?

What is Clairaudience and how to develop it? To hear clearly is to have clairaudience. We refer to our ear chakras as the conduits via which we perceive music, sounds, or voices. That are typically imperceptible to human hearing. We have the ability to hear both within i.e., in our head and outside of our…

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How to Awaken the Chakras: Open the Vishuddha Throat Chakra (Ep. 6)

How to Awaken the Chakras: Open the Vishuddha Throat Chakra (Ep. 6) Activate the throat chakra and clairaudience by understanding the power of sound, vibration and harmony; which is experienced through internal and external communication and self-expression. As a foundation, we balance the throat chakra by being deeply rooted in inner silence; which is the…

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