ASMR Crystal Energy Healing Roleplay |:| Balancing Your Chakras~ Hand Movements, Music

ASMR Crystal Energy Healing Roleplay |:| Balancing Your Chakras~ Hand Movements, Music Energy healing roleplay, using crystals to balance your chakras and clear your overall energy~light background music to help you relax or fall asleep 🙂 asmr triggers: soft spoken, some whispers, jingly jewelry sounds, personal attention, hand movements, match lighting, relaxation music If you…

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Acupressure : Acupressure for an Earache

Acupressure : Acupressure for an Earache Acupressure is a great tool for alleviating earache pain since touching the ear is discouraged while it is inflamed. Find pressure points to help earache discomfort with a demonstration from a doctor of Oriental medicine in this free video on natural remedies. Expert: Hillary Talbott Contact: Bio: Hillary…

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Reiki for Hearing Loss/Energy Healing

Reiki for Hearing Loss/Energy Healing Reiki for Hearing Loss* Would you like to help keep this channel running? Donations can be made at this link: *In August 2018 Lourdes created a new website.* To learn more about classes, sessions, and readings she offers please go to: Website, YouTube,… Instagram,… Facebook,…

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Binaural Sleep Meditation Music for Positive Energy: Sleep Binaural Beats, Energy Sleep Meditation

Binaural Sleep Meditation Music for Positive Energy: Sleep Binaural Beats, Energy Sleep Meditation Binaural Sleep Meditation Music for Positive Energy: Sleep Binaural Beats, recover your energy during sleep with binaural Meditation music “Binaural beats, or binaural tones, are auditory processing artifacts, or apparent sounds, caused by specific physical stimuli. This effect was discovered in 1839…

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Light Language Activation: Balance and Sync All Chakras

Light Language Activation: Balance and Sync All Chakras This is a quick and powerful light language recording to align, balance, and synchronize all of your chakras for enhanced energy flow and circulation. When our chakras are blocked, or become out of alignment from too many thoughts, emotions, or life experiences in general, we can manifest…

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ASMR FOCUS 🎵Tibetan Singing Bowl & Ear Brushing 💤NO TALKING

ASMR FOCUS 🎵Tibetan Singing Bowl & Ear Brushing 💤NO TALKING #ASMR Relaxing Binaural Sound Triggers of me gently BRUSHING your ears with different brushes, foam and burlap while some Tibetan Bowl is singing. After several comments I guess this is not fit for falling asleep, but is more of a concentration and focusing ASMR video,…

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THEORY: Do Chakras Affect Bending? [Avatar The Last Airbender]

THEORY: Do Chakras Affect Bending? [Avatar The Last Airbender] We learn about chakras for a whole episode, and then pretty much never hear about them again. But how important are they really? Email fanart/fanmail: Check out my books: Twitter: Facebook: IF YOU WANT TO SEND THINGS TO ME (address): Tim Hickson…

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The Polyvagal Theory: The New Science of Safety and Trauma

The Polyvagal Theory: The New Science of Safety and Trauma What is trauma exactly? Or the ever-elusive concept known as the “flow state”? And why do some people just flat-out creep us out? It can all be explained by the autonomic nervous system — our body’s autopilot that keeps our heart beating, our lungs breathing,…

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