Capricorn Personality Traits Revealed| Interesting Capricorn Facts
Capricorn Personality Traits Revealed| Interesting Capricorn Facts
Hey everyone!! In this video I will be discussing Interesting Capricorn Facts.. Enjoy
Thank you for watching.
**** Please don’t take anything presented in this video personal. The video was made for entertainment/educational purposes only, not to personally attack you! This a generalized video based on Capricorn Sun Sign; I am aware that there are many factors that play a role in individual personalities (which I have not gone deep into YET). This is just a summary.****
Twitter: HeartCapricorn
Instagram: HeartCapricorn
I love your channel!
I have learned so much about why I am the way I am through you. I always thought there was something wrong that I needed to fix about myself. Now I accept this is who I am and I’m okay with it. 

You are Awesome
I think that this cite is just beautiful. I had never heard of heart Capricorn until 5 days ago. And to know that u give such detail information is just beautiful. Thank you . GM
I am a cancer and I always gravitate towards cappies because they have good old fashioned traits like me. They are old souls and very mature yet mysterious . They act aloof even when they are seriously interested because they fear rejection. I love a good challenge and Capricorns are always a challenge when it comes to winning their trust. You need the jaws of life to break open this heart but once you do you will find a sweet lovable soul. So if you are impatient and want instant gratification move past the Capricorn because these goats require patience. The prize in the end is amazing!!!
Gosh, my teenage Capricorn son couldn’t stand my Leo ex. You said it all!
I love your page and always look forward to your videos
When dealing with us Caps. Don’t bring none, won’t be none! We can be your best friend. Or usher in KARMA for dat AZZ. Take heed!!
Thanks once again. Been in a situation where my hard work was taken for granted. Capricorns love when you show your hands. That’s when they know who you are and have all rights to go Savage on you. They don’t know what’s coming.
Greatest thing about being a Cap is that we get to see justice done…Karma in action. Good things to all.
Pls can you make video about a cap an their communication skills with their moon sign
This is me all the am a cap born jan 2 1970
Cap men and women are the nicest people I’ve met. So respectful, responsible and caring. They come across as serious but deep down so crazy and joke a lot. They are very intelligent and mature, and think of the future all the time.
I absolutely love being by myself I love being alone I love my alone time needed needed needed I don’t talk to my sister for weeks and I am so mad at her I’m never going to talk to her again in life cuz she pissed me the f*** off I am a true Capricorn once I’m pissed off at you you will never hear from me again in life
Who’s Awesome? Your Awesome ! And right on point as usual. Good things to ya
I love your page!!!! -Virgo
Yes, Yes 12-30 Capricorn all day, very motivated and love my alone TIME. Your so on POINT
I swear everytime i listen to her videos …she describing me to a T….love your videos!!
This is me in a nutshell.
C aptivating
A mbitious
P assionate
R responsable
I inteligente
C alm
O bidient
R eliable
N onchalant
January 3rd!
Team Capricorns the hate is real someone played with a capricorn got their feelings hurt
The most captivating sign in all of the zodiac hands down! You are totally correct in everything that you described! Thank you!
We loooove you more!!!!
I loooove being alone! All the caps I know live alone, and prefer it that, you summed that part up perfectly!
leaving a negative comment on a page about a capricorn defeats the purpose…it don’t move us and validates our haters lmaooooo
I know 2 old Capricorn married men trying to get with me lol you are the sign of the devil smh crazy how you make it seem like you are always defensive and not offensive.
Thankyou for your awesome original videos!!You are so correct!!
Just curious… Who knows their Myers Briggs typology indicator??!! Please list it if you know it!! I’m an INFJ. I want to see how it matches up with our predominant sign.
January 18 Cappy Queen here! INTJ on the Myers-Briggs test
True! about a capricorn I know. We are just alike we both have honesty and loyalty