Capricorn Personality – Personalities of Capricorn – Known Your Sign – Makara – Hindu Astrology

Capricorn Personality – Personalities of Capricorn – Known Your Sign – Makara – Hindu Astrology

In Hindu astrology, Capricorn is known as “Makara” and is the tenth sign of the zodiac. It spans 270° to 300° of the zodiac and is associated with the earth element (Prithvi) and ruled by the planet Saturn (Shani). Here are some key characteristics and attributes of Capricorn (Makara) as per Hindu astrology:

### Symbol and Representation:
– **Symbol:** The Sea-Goat
– **Representation:** A mythical creature with the front half of a goat and the tail of a fish, symbolizing the ability to navigate both the material and emotional realms.

### Attributes:
– **Element:** Earth (Prithvi)
– **Ruling Planet:** Saturn (Shani)
– **Quality:** Cardinal (Chara)
– **Gender:** Female

### Personality Traits:
– **Disciplined and Responsible:** Capricorns are known for their discipline, sense of responsibility, and strong work ethic. They are reliable and take their commitments seriously.
– **Practical and Realistic:** They have a practical approach to life and are grounded in reality. They focus on what is achievable and tend to be realistic in their expectations.
– **Ambitious and Goal-Oriented:** Capricorns are highly ambitious and driven to achieve their goals. They are determined and persistent in their efforts to succeed.
– **Patient and Persistent:** They possess a great deal of patience and persistence, often working steadily towards their goals without giving up.
– **Reserved and Cautious:** Capricorns can be reserved and cautious in their interactions, preferring to take a measured approach to new situations and relationships.

### Strengths:
– **Responsible:** They take their responsibilities seriously and can be relied upon to fulfill their duties.
– **Hardworking:** Capricorns are diligent and hardworking, often going above and beyond to achieve their objectives.
– **Practical:** Their practical nature allows them to find effective solutions to problems and make sound decisions.
– **Patient:** They are patient and willing to wait for the right opportunities to come their way.
– **Loyal:** Capricorns are loyal and devoted to their friends, family, and loved ones.

### Weaknesses:
– **Pessimistic:** Their realistic outlook can sometimes make them prone to pessimism and negativity.
– **Stubborn:** Capricorns can be stubborn and resistant to change, preferring to stick to their established routines and plans.
– **Reserved:** They may struggle with expressing their emotions and can come across as distant or aloof.
– **Workaholic:** Their strong work ethic can sometimes lead to workaholism, neglecting their personal life and well-being.
– **Cautious:** They can be overly cautious, missing out on opportunities due to their reluctance to take risks.

### Career and Professional Life:
– Capricorns excel in careers that require discipline, responsibility, and a strong work ethic. They are well-suited for roles in management, finance, law, engineering, and any field that involves long-term planning and steady progress.

### Relationships and Compatibility:
– In relationships, Capricorns are loyal, committed, and dependable partners. They seek stability and security in their relationships and value long-term commitments.
– They are most compatible with signs like Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces, which can provide the emotional and practical support they need.

### Health:
– Capricorns generally have a strong constitution but need to be mindful of issues related to the bones, joints, and skin. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are important for their well-being.

### Spiritual and Philosophical Inclination:
– Capricorns have a natural inclination towards discipline and structure, which can extend to their spiritual and philosophical pursuits. They may be drawn to practices that promote inner strength, self-discipline, and spiritual growth, such as meditation and yoga.

In Hindu astrology, the influence of Saturn as the ruling planet adds a layer of discipline, responsibility, and endurance to the Capricorn personality, making them individuals who are capable of great achievements through their hard work and perseverance.