Can Dogs Eat Lemon? | Side Effects of Lemon For Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Lemon? | Side Effects of Lemon For Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Lemon? No, as it is not beneficial for your dog’s health in a big way and moreover, dogs do not like the sour taste of lemon. It can create GI distress but for practical reasons, lemons do not pose huge health hazards unless consumed in large

Is lemon toxic?

Naturally no, but the acidic nature of lemon can create diarrhea, weakness, vomiting, and stomach upset if consumed in large numbers. A peel can obstruct the GI tract depending on the size and quantity consumed.
Moreover, lemons do have beneficial phytonutrients but when given with sugar, it is probably lost in the process. So, health wise they offer very fewer
Dogs consuming lemon juice can suffer from stomach upset other than diarrhea and vomiting problems.
In case your dog has mistakenly consumed large quantities of lemon, watch out for these signs -unusual behavior, of discomfort, exaggerated swallowing motions, nausea, vomiting, and frequent lip licking.
Please rush your pet to the nearest vet if the above-mentioned signs are visible.

Like cat owner getting scared of cucumbers, dog owners are afraid of their pets eating lemons.

Can Dogs have Lemon Juice?

It is not desirable to feed dogs with lemon juice; Lemons pose no toxicity streaks to the dogs though. It has nothing beneficial for dog’s health and almost no dogs relish the taste of lemon.

Even if you share a pint-sized quantity of juice to your canine friend while you relish a glass, it may cause stomach trouble to some dogs. So, why try when it is not needed to?

However, overall, Lemon has flea repelling quality as apple cider vinegar. Mix a few drops of lemon juice with water and spray on your dog’s coat to keep him free from fleas. You can use lemon oil also.

Can Dogs Eat Lemon Grass?

Many herbs are beneficial for dogs. Lemon grass may be scribed safe for dogs. But lemongrass can cause serious stomach upsets for dogs if consumed in a large quantity. The digestive system of your canine friend is not designed for such intense plant material.

If your dog has chronic gastrointestinal problems, it may eat a lot of grass. Consult your vet immediately.

The lookalike citronella is definitely toxic for dogs. The main difference you can identify is citronella’s red stem.

Lemon grass is a natural mosquito and flea repellent. As you did with lemon juice, you can mix a few drops of lemon grass oil with water and spray on your dog for good fragrance and to repel fleas. It has good antifungal and antibacterial properties.

#CanDogsEatLemon #DogFood #IsLemonGoodForDogs

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