Blue Opal, it's Power & Healing Affects – by Mark Bajerski
Blue Opal, it's Power & Healing Affects – by Mark Bajerski
Join Mark Bajerski in Canada & Spain 2020 for his Pure Energy Healing Practitioners Courses :
Mark Bajerski Online Tarot Course
Mark Bajerski´s Pure Energy Healing Working Crystal Pendants:
Background Music:
Mark Bajerski’s oils and insence Sticks
To view Mark Bajerski’s MOLDAVITE Collection, simply follow this link below:
Mark Bajerski’s Brand new E~Book: From My Heart To Yours, Link below
Mark Bajerski has each moldavite on his website checked with a Genuine Meteorologist before he begins his Pure Energy Healing Work on each piece. See video below :
Mark’s Books
Diary of an Accidental Psychic – Signed Copy, Limited Edition
CLEANSING STICKS – Palo Santo With Moldavite:
Palovite Sacred Cleansing Negative Energy Incense Sticks – 3 boxes
Mark’s Background Music, 5 hours of bamboo flute:
Thank you Mark
my new ring drew me to you. i saw you in a dream. we must meet. it can not wait. it simply can not wait.
Perfection indeed. Sadly here today the rivers are raging, the sky is grey and the wind howling, .need one for myself and my 7 animals. Yes been dealing with idiots this week, trying to move house. Estate agents are a breed apart!!! Thank-you for showing that blue beauty. It’s on my list.
I wish I would have known this before I met the idiot that I dated for lost 13 years haha lol Anyway I met him at my workplace and he wouldn’t go away even though I was dating someone at the time and he just insisted on making us a thing and then he desired me and hurt me very deeply but I value myself and I know my value and it is a fact a loss of his and it I feel actually as if I gain he says I shouldn’t I believe deep in my heart of hearts I should have never met this person
I feel like idiots is being too nice XD I feel like this crystal is speaking to me. A bit rare, but I wouldn’t mind using one sometime.
Idiot Blocker, I need that…
Beautiful Mark, keep up the amazing work. Have a blessful day.
You crack me up!
Interesting question: what if an Idiot have one on they body?
A lot of love to all ;-).
People… crystals don’t heal people. It’s a pretty rock but it doesn’t heal for shit
Beautiful Mark sending love and light xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
that really is a beautiful crystal Mark the opal is lovely but that one is stunning I avoide them idiots by not going near best to. blessings and angel wishes to you from my heart to yours xx
Thank you so much Mark for sharing your valuable information on Krystal’s blue opal and black tourmaline I’m going to have to try this combination I really do appreciate your time you spend sharing your knowledge with us on this channel and again your Crystal that you sent me it feels amazing simply amazing if I don’t have it on me I freak out so I wear 24/7 interview anyway I try to do I need to cleanse it and how so should I do that how often this kind of thing I’m not well-versed at you. I think I watched a couple of your videos on how to cleanse
It’s so beautiful, and yes, avoiding conflict with idiots is good for the heart, lol. But my word, that is a beautiful crystal. It’s like having the spirit of the Polynesian ocean close to your heart. ♥️
I first thought, it looks just like a cloud! As I’m looking at it, I’m thinking, it seems like it would have a very gentle but constant flow of energy…then you said exactly that! That was cool! Thanks again Mark!
Idiots LOOOOL!
Wow. What a BEAUTIFUL crystal!