Black Tourmaline / Schorl Crystal Healing Metaphysical Properties

Black Tourmaline / Schorl Crystal Healing Metaphysical Properties

TOURMALINE, BLACK / SCHORL (Namibia, China, Brazil)
– Potent psychic protection.
– Grounding through Earth energy.
– Keeps auric field free of imbalances, even when near destructive energies.
– Helps rid self of anxieties, negativity, anger & ideas of unworthiness.
– Protects against attachments, entities, and energetic debris.
– Useful if high levels of stress.
– Helps purify body of toxins, wastes, heavy metals, and environmental pollutants.
– Soothes panic attacks, especially caused by claustrophobia, fear of doctors, and fear of the dentist.
– Protection against emotional vampires, whiners, moaners.
– Enhances sense of smell, including pheromones, which can produce an aphrodisiac effect.
– Treats motion sickness.
– Restores lustre to hair and nails.

Hardness: 7 – 7.5 Mohs
Specific Gravity: 2.82-3.90
Refractive Index:1.614-1.666

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Disclaimer: Crystals are never a substitution for a doctor. Go seek medical care if it’s needed. Use crystals with caution, as some are toxic.