Beyond Words Presents: Rose Quartz Crystals for Love

Beyond Words Presents: Rose Quartz Crystals for Love

Find your rose quartz crystals at

“Rose quartz: This is a great stone for the heart chakra. It’s known as the stone of unconditional love. It helps assist with harmony, acceptance, and self love. I like to keep a couple of these on my night stand. It just helps to create a more loving atmosphere in your home.”

1 Comment

  1. Joel Weidenfeld on May 1, 2022 at 7:58 pm

    I think people TALK about unconditional love 100000000000x more than its a part of THEM..kinda like charity. uh , ALL people say THEY will give so much to charity before they hit the lottery, or inherit MONEY, then give SHIt AWAY…..people who constantly TALK about unconditional love I bet are the biggest pieces of shit on the planet