Affirmations To Strengthen Your Throat Chakra Audio | Gabriel Inspires

Affirmations To Strengthen Your Throat Chakra Audio | Gabriel Inspires

Affirmations To Strengthen Your Throat Chakra Audio | Gabriel Inspires

Welcome to #AffirmationsToStrengthenThroatChakra #ThroatChakra #Affirmations

Affirmations allow us to recreate our beliefs.

Feel these affirmations from your heart and repeat these words until they become your reality:

1. I use my voice to speak love and honesty
2. I affirm and speak only about what I intend to manifest
3. I am heard whenever I speak
4. I lift myself and others whenever I speak
5. My voice is a powerful gift
6. I express myself with clarity and power
7. My voice is confident and loving
8. My words help and inspire others

Female Voice Credit:

Background Music Credit:

*** Listen To Inspired Affirmations Here:


Dear Spirit Guides, Angles of the Universe, Archangels, Ascended Masters of Pure Divine Radiate White Light, Light Beings, Pachamama, Universe.

I love you and I am so grateful for you. Thank you for all that I am and thank you for all that I have. Thank you for all the Divine blessings, miracles, and gifts you give me every single day.

I ask from my heart that you share this message all who need it and that they receive it with love and healing to raise their vibration.

I ask from my heart for a world with love, happiness, true wealth, and the highest vibrations that can be experienced now and forever.

Please show this to all who are ready to receive it and raise their vibration. I thank you so much. And so it is.

I Love You,
Gabriel ✌♥

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