A guide to using a crystal ball


The most important first step in using a crystal
ball is to do it when you feel the mood and atmosphere is right. If you
have to force yourself into a session then the results will be
adversely affected.Use the crystal ball in a quiet and dimly
lit room. Some people find it useful to have a candle burning although
others find it a distraction, just do what you feel comfortable with.
The main thing is to make sure you use the ball in a place where you
will not be disturbed as this will obviously affect the reading. Now,
it’s time to get started! Place the crystal ball in front of you and
relax. Place your hands on the ball and think of a question you would
like answered. Visualise this subject in your mind and, when the time
feels right (usually after a few minutes) remove your hands from the
ball. Now, look deeply into the crystal ball and allow your eyes to
become relaxed and unfocused. In a short time you should see a mist or
smoke forming in the crystal, let this fill the ball and eventually the
mist should clear to reveal images. These images might not be what you
expected to see but it is important not to discount them and carry on
trying to see something that isn’t there! Just let the images
materialise and eventually they will fade away. Don’t try to make sense
of them at this stage but just try to remember what you see.When
the images clear you can end your scrying session. However, it is
important that you don’t take you hands of the crystal ball
immediately. Before removing your hands, you should visualise the mists
coming back and covering your images (even if there’s nothing there!).
This will close the scrying session properly and allow the crystal ball
to return to its natural state so it is ready for the next time you
wish to use it.Now you need to try and interpret the images you
have seen in relation to your question. This is something that only you
can do as the images are related to your own self. Just follow your
instincts and you’ll be on the right path. One more final important
point – Do not let anyone else use your crystal ball. This will affect
the energy of the ball and will make it more difficult for you to use
effectively in the future.Using a crystal ball takes a lot of
practice in order to achieve results. However, with time you will find
that it becomes easier and that the images you see will become more
vivid and easier to interpret. However, once you have mastered the art
it can be a very rewarding and enjoyable experience.Happy scrying!

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com


Gary Mullen from Crystal Ball. You may reproduce the content of this article onto your own website.  However, to do so you must include a link back to PaganBound.  Thank you.

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