Jin Shin Jyutsu Safety Energy Lock # 3
Jin Shin Jyutsu Safety Energy Lock # 3
Information referred to:
– Intuitive Heal website: https://intuitiveheal.com/learning#JSJ-SEL
– Lip Trainer (click on ‘Specifications’ ) https://resourcesforlife.net/lip-trainer
Jin Shin Jyutsu Safety Energy Lock # 3
The Door – The Harmoniser or Respiration Specialist
SEL # 3 offers a defence against problems and discomforts within the body
There’s a symbolism and a spiritual significance to the Magic Number ‘3’
Look at how often it comes into our lives:
+ (Pos) We count up to 3 before starting playing a tune, down from 3 before we start a race. 3rd time lucky. Hat trick in sports is celebrated
– (Neg) 3rd degree burns. – Bad luck comes in 3s. In Vietnam considered bad luck to have 3 people in a photo.
To the Chinese 3 is a good number meaning “to live” . It represents the 3 stages of life…. birth – marriage – death.
Volumes have been written in mathematics on the number 3.
Pythagoras described 3 as the “noblest of digits”; 3 is part of Fibonacci and Perrin sequences; 3 sides to a Triangle. 3 dimensions and so on.
Number 3 is also common to Religions
– Christianity: Holy Trinity: Father Son HolyGhost
– Ideals at the heart of Buddhism are 3 Jewels
– Taoism talks of 3 Pure Ones or 3 Divine Teachers
– Judaism’s Kabbal, 3 is the number integrating mind, body and spirit
– Wicca’s Triple Goddess; Maiden, Mother and Crone
– Hindu’s Trivedi – symbolises mastery over three of the four vedas
JSJ 3 – the SEL helps with breathing difficulties, the Immune system and balancing the Lymphatic system (body’s natural antibiotic system).
The best physical exercise to stimulate the lymphatic system is the rebounder or Mini Trampoline
The Location of SEL 3? Between the top of your shoulder blades and your spine on each side of body
Intuitive Heal website: https://intuitiveheal.com/learning#JSJ-SEL
Balancing SEL 3 is my preference to having a flu shot or taking medicines for coughs and colds. Also beneficial for movement disorders, stuttering, facial paralysis, Parkinson’s, Bell’s Palsy
and helping recovery after a stroke.
Personally I would hasten the recovery from these conditions with a Lip Trainer to help you breathe through your nose instead of your mouth.
Lip Trainer: Click on ‘Specifications’…..
You’d be surprised at what changes something so simple as nose breathing can bring about
SEL 3 is a symbol of equilibrium and body regeneration
Breathe in – Breathe out
Inhale – Exhale
Receive – Unload
When our breath is balanced we’re free from physical distress and emotional swings. We’re Healthy & Happy
When 3 is not in balance your breathing may be impaired, your posture may tighten, your underarms may swell and you may appear nervous, fidgety, emaciated, tired or even sad and prone to destructive outbursts.
The Degeneration of Man (that which we know as ageing) comes about through an impaired 3. This can give rise to the attitudes of lack and limitation. Fear is the precursor to all of Man’s misery.
Speed of your body’s regeneration may be faster if accompanied by invigorating spices such as nutmeg, cloves and turmeric.
If you forget all this, hold middle finger
Recommended Jin Shin Jyutsu reading:
– Health is in Your Hands (with 51 flash cards) by Waltroud Riegger-Krause
– The Touch of Healing by Alice Burmeister http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/05…
– Original Jin Shin by Mieke Berger
– Freedom: The End Of The Human Condition by Jeremy Griffith
Letter Perfect by David Sachs
SEL 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qs7fh…
SEL 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuKEx-vhWKM
SEL 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezr4i…
SEL 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kv6XB…
SEL 8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzY7B…
SEL 9: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC4FI…
SEL 10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fClKs…
SEL 13: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTgRx…
SEL 15: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MZVD…
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