Feng Shui & Flowers: 9 Flowers to Activate the Energy in Your Home
Feng Shui & Flowers: 9 Flowers to Activate the Energy in Your Home
Full article → http://www.morrisfengshui.com/blog/flowers-and-feng-shui
Flowers are a simple, yet powerful way to change the energy in your home. Their scents and vibrant presence can be used to shift the energy in any space. Many flowers have shapes, colours, and symbolism that are perfect for feng shui. By combining flowers with the power of the bagua (a magical energy map for your home) you can activate specific areas of your home (or bedroom, or lot) that represent and align with your life. Read the full article to learn about the bagua → http://www.morrisfengshui.com/blog/flowers-and-feng-shui
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