Chakra Seed Mantra Chanting | THROAT CHAKRA 'HAM' Chants | Healing Meditation Music
Chakra Seed Mantra Chanting | THROAT CHAKRA 'HAM' Chants | Healing Meditation Music
Chakra Seed Mantra Chanting | THROAT CHAKRA ‘HAM’ Chants | Healing Meditation Music
Extremely Powerful Seed Mantra for Bringing THROAT Chakra to Balance.
We are celebrating “Chakra Meditation Month”, for entire February.
In Week2 of Chakra Meditation Month, we will feature videos with their seed mantra chants, in the exact vibrational frequency that resonates with Chakra. Starting with the first and most important Root Chakra to the Seven and highest chakra – the Crown Chakra.
Week 1 : Chakra Sleep Meditation Music
Week 2 : Chakra Meditation & Healing Seed Mantra Chants
Week 3 : 7 Chakras Guided Meditation
Week 4 : Chakra Balancing & Healing Music.
Join us for CHAKRA MEDITATION MONTH and get updates on daily uploads by subscribing here
How to Meditate Along with this Video?
Let the tips of your thumb and index finger touch.
Concentrate on the Throat chakra at the spot positioned at the neck region, near the spine. It is located at the base of the throat, in the V that is formed in the center of the collarbone.
Chant the sound HAM along with this Video.
What is Throat Chakra?
Also known as the 5th, or Throat Chakra, the Vishuddha is the centre that governs our speech and creative expression in the world.
— How Balancing Throat Chakra will help you —
It’s balance will determine how honest you are, and how well you can express yourself with the people around you. It is through this chakra that we speak our choices and through this, we discover that our choices, no matter how small or unimportant that they may seem, have consequences.
Physical symptoms of a Throat Chakra Imbalance:
Throat lump, laryngitis, sore throat, tonsilitis, teeth problems, thrush, jaw problems (tmj), earaches, ear problems, sinus infections, thyroid problems, athritis in shoulders, sore shoulders or arms, neck problems, stress – may also exhibit an alcohol or drug dependency.
If your throat chakra is in balance you will have no problem expressing yourself in the world! You will be very creative, helpful, and may be good at offering people sound advice when it is asked for. You know what you want out of life and you are not afraid to ask for it, and what you ask for always seems to come to you with no, or little effort on your part! You are not afraid to express your weaknesses and people respect you for this. You are truly free when you can speak your truth.
Sound Therapy: Chanting “HAM” along with this music will begin to balance the throat chakra.
Color : Sky Blue
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¸¸.•*¨*•♫ Meditative Mind Music is Now Available on iTunes:
30 DAYS of CHANTS Season 1
Mantra Chanting Meditation Music – Playlist
Healing Frequencies Music – Playlist
Chakra Healing Meditations – Playlist
Gurbani Meditation Music – Playlist
Deep Sleep Meditation Music for 7 Chakras – Playlist
LET’S CONNECT – Meditation Music, Mantra Meditations, Chakra Healing Chants & Healthy Living Tips.
Copyright ⓒ 2017 Meditative Mind.
CMM11 #Chants #Chakras #Meditation #ChakraMeditationMonth
“Our Mission is to bring more peace and mindfulness in people’s lives through Music for Meditation, Solfeggio Frequency Music, Chakra Healing, Mantra