Rainbow Obsidian-Lets Talk Stones

Rainbow Obsidian-Lets Talk Stones

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Rainbow Obsidian is a stone that sets the stage for our outside reality to become a mirror to where we are, and we notice it. The reality that we create is always a mirror to where we are within ourselves, this is always true, what isn’t always as apparent is when we notice that we are being mirrored by our reality. This means that whatever we are seeing outside of ourselves that makes us upset, that is a vibration within us that we haven’t yet raised to a level we can be happy with it. Rainbow Obsidian shows us where we are responsible for the reality we interact with and how to improve that reality by working on our own beliefs.

Rainbow Obsidian is a stone that helps us at the third eye because it makes us question what we are creating. By asking us to take responsibilities for our creations and where we are with them, this stone helps is to understand where we are, the lesson of Dumvadhi ( ALakshmi). We must have a thorough understanding of where we are before we can know where we are going. Lakshmi is about what we do with what we have, Rainbow Obsidian is about recognizing what we have to wrok with and where we are in our belief structure.

Rainbow Obsidian is a stone that many people may consider to be harsh, but it only asks us to take responsibility for our creations. Once we are aware of where we are, we are able to move forward, but not until then. We are unable to grasp the understanding of Lakshmi before we have grasped the understanding of ALakshmi. Alakshmi is the only pathway to Lakshmi. We can never find the energy of Lakshmi on any subject until we understand the energy of Alakshmi on that subject. Alakshmi is the question, Lakshmi is the answer. Rainbow obsidian helps us know where we are on all subjects and helps point us in the direction of where we want to go.

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