Throat Chakra – Affirmations for Chakric Health – Late Blooming Light Worker
Throat Chakra – Affirmations for Chakric Health – Late Blooming Light Worker
Due to popular demand, I am re-releasing the affirmations portion from my Chakra Balancing Guided Meditations; now, with more manageable phrases, and proper time to repeat! The original mediations will remain in their entirety on my channel. Please enjoy as often as needed 🙂
The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) is a primary energetic center, located in the throat. It governs our sense of communication and expression.
When our Throat is balanced, we can experience:
Clear, authentic communication; honest (being true to our word); creative self expression; strong faith; and peace of mind.
When our Throat is overactive, we may experience:
Arrogance, dogmatism, sarcasm, failure to listen to others, or a heavy concern with self expression.
When our Throat is under-active, we may experience:
Unreliability, depression, fear of speaking up or voicing opinions, timidness, or dependency on others.