Holy Spirit Heal The Body and Mind, Clearing All Dark Energy • Miracles Will Start Happening For You
Holy Spirit Heal The Body and Mind, Clearing All Dark Energy • Miracles Will Start Happening For You
Holy Spirit Heal The Body and Mind, Clearing All Dark Energy • Miracles Will Start Happening For You
Channel: Soul Healing Meditation
🎵Track information:
Composer: Weightless
@Soul Healing Meditation
Music to relax sleep, meditate, study, read, massage, spa or sleep. This music is perfect to combat anxiety, stress or insomnia as it facilitates relaxation and helps us eliminate bad vibrations. You can also use this music as a background for guided meditation classes or sleep relaxation.
Welcome to a new relaxing music direct on the Weightless channel. They can leave the video at a low volume and start doing any task such as studying, working, reading…or simply relaxing or sleeping soundly.
If you liked the live and want more relaxing music content, don’t forget to like it.
relaxation and meditation
guided meditations
sleep relaxation
calm and control anxiety
fall asleep and sleep better
to study
yoga, reiki, spa…
Music by Weightless
Copyright ⓒ2023 Weightless®. All rights reserved.
God heal my dezness please and stomach pain please pray our listeners
After I accepted the Lord, I kept it from my Hindu parents for several months, fearing their disappointment. Their painful reactions were tough to handle, but Psalm 27 reminded me of God’s love and support. I felt His embrace during my struggles, and now my parents are slowly reconnecting with me. I’m grateful for a loving family and committed to living for Jesus. Thank you, Lord, for your amazing grace.
Holy sprit heal Nwabisa delover her from alcohol in Jesus name amen
Espírito Santo toma de conta do meu irmão José aldenir de freitas
Hoy spirit please enter my house there is so much turmoil.Break the chains of sin in Jesus name.❤❤❤
Espírito santo gratidão. Por mim. Cura❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.
In the name of the Father the son and the holy spirit Amen❤
Saint Esprit de Dieu, l’arthrose me ronge les os du bassin, guérit moi, sort moi de cette douleur au nom précieux de Jésus Christ AMEN AMEN AMEN
Holy spirit protect all of us Jesus
Amen Amen Amen
Au nom du PERE DU FILS ET DU SAINT ESPRIT. Gloire à vous.je vous rends grâce. AMEN ❤
Glory be to God amen
Senhor, ajude-nos a manter nossa fé e amor em nossos corações.
Lord heal me this moring my back pain
Pour ma maman qui repose en paix
This angelic music feels like a gentle embrace from heaven, filling my heart with peace and serenity. Absolutely divine!
Glorieux Saint Esprit guéri nous ma famille et moi et élimine toute énergie sombre merci
Kebebasan Tanpa Tekanan Wahai Roh Kudus
Holy Spirit please let your will be done in Jesus name Amen ❤
Esprit Saint je te demande la Grâce du Discernement spirituel et temporel en tout temps pour éviter les pièges de la société en vivant le message de la Parole de Dieu l’Amour, la paix la joie pour que ma vie soit sereine et attentive pour ne pas me diriger dans la mauvaise direction.Amen ❤❤❤❤
Svpl. Esprit Saint , Dieu le Père et Jésus Christ son fils unique protégez tout ces enfants qui écoutent maintenant et leurs familles. Amen ❤️
God bless me Grace and my husband Kelly dolo and our family
Thank you Jesus you make us so humble everytime when we look at the cross we see your love, your faith, your hope, your life and light so bright and wonderful. Hallelujah. We are so excited to be in heaven with you forever and ever, it fills us with joy and goodness. We love you forever our King Jesus Christ, Lion of Judah!
Orang – Orang Negara dan Pengabdinya Salah
Alléluia Alléluia Alléluia
Espíritu Santo por favor sana a mi a Susy Emperatriz Galleno Deza que pronto será mi esposa no nos abandones
Dear Holy spirit locate me with a right Man Amen
Holi spirit
Rikki P. D. M. S.
Merci au SAINT ESPRIT ď agir pour moi car tu sais ce dont j ai besoin rapidement rapidement 3:18 3:20 rapidement.