Predicting Love & Marriage with Astrology: (TOP Things You NEED to Know)
Predicting Love & Marriage with Astrology: (TOP Things You NEED to Know)
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Astrology provides powerful tools for understanding our relationship to love and romance. It can describe if we will marry, who we will marry, and what our experience of our love life will be in general. In this video I outline all the things a practicing astrologer should know when giving a reading about love and marriage based on the natal chart.
7th House Placidus (Libra and Virgo), Saturn conjunct Neptune @ 26 & 24 Libra – Libra ruler = Venus, Venus & Mars conjunct in 1st House (Pisces & Aries) @ 7 & 9 Pisces…I’m confused, can anyone help please?
Hmmmm I don’t believe all of this to be true. Yes, maybe same thing but I don’t think one person has an unsuccessful relationship by 30 if that means permit. We’re here to learn lessons and to change them. And eventually we’ll get it right
Funny how you say the chart will play out by age 30. That coincides with the Saturn cycle. I’m Cancer rising. Saturn is 7h ruler and in Taurus 11h. Out of sign conj with Venus in Aries. I have the worst luck in love.
I have Taurus 7H with South Node exactly conjunct my DC. My Venus is conjunct Saturn in Pisces 5H, square my Sagittarius Jupiter Rx in 2H, and opposite my Virgo Chiron Rx in 11H. I’m 29 and have never dated. No guy has ever expressed interest in dating me or confessed that he liked me. There was a guy in college that would stare a lot at me and did all of the typical body language signs of someone that has a crush. I had a crush on him even though he wasn’t my type at all (he was a Pisces with Aquarius Venus conjunct Neptune), but then he started acting weird and got distant. Then I found out he was secretly dating someone casually from others and he said he was emotionally unavailable. It was so confusing. Then I completely removed him from my life and hoped I would meet someone who was serious and mature, but I have not met anyone. Now I feel like I don’t have a future spouse, no partner, and that I’d only have one-sided crushes. So I just don’t have crushes anymore. I’ve been focused on what I want to do in my life for the past few years.
Um. Thanks, no thank you. I’ll remain single.
what does it mean to have your parents in the seventh house? That’s confusing to me
Do you track the progression of the 7L to see how things develop over the course of the life?
You speak so well
Chiron in Aries, 7th house. Mars in 5th opposition to Sun and Venus. Wounded relationships would be an understatement. I’m good single….
What if your progressed Moon is in the 7th? Do progressions matter as we march on?
Her subsequent partners sounded like very Venus-Uranus type of relationships, too