Deep Sleep | Third Eye Chakra | 9 Hr version | Lucid Dreaming with Phi Balance
Deep Sleep | Third Eye Chakra | 9 Hr version | Lucid Dreaming with Phi Balance
For 9 hours, Binaural Beat Theta Waves, (4Hz) will lull you into a hypnogogic state where the frequencies of the Ajna, Brow Chakra, or “Third Eye Chakra”, will be toroidal balanced and opened through the sympathetic resonance of our Phi Balance™️ Music production method. Geometrically aligning the frequencies to The Golden Ratio perfection, making this the ultimate stress relief music.
For the original 1 hour version
No YouTube mid-roll ads are programmed so you get the best sleep ever.
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Balancing this Third Eye Chakra will help activate a calcified Pineal gland and provide you with instant stress relief and give you the most relaxation and deepest sleep possible.
At the end of eight hours, this video will gently wake you up to an ocean sunrise, and with messages of love and gratitude to start your day. We can unlock the flow state within us when we align ourselves with Phi.
Through sympathetic resonance and our Phi Balance 432Hz music production techniques, we have developed a system for deep sleep like no other. Based on Ayurvedic medicine, the deep sleep series balances the mind center of the third eye (anja ), of the 7 main mind centers of the body, known in Ayurvedic medicine as chakras. This third eye chakra is the mind center of the pineal gland, which fuels our dreams and helps regulate our intuitive and psychic abilities, while strengthening our imagination and overall creativity.
Bringing this Third Eye Chakra into phi balance will clear out brain fog and put an over active imagination at ease with a dark screen. When the third eye is out of balance, this can lead to exhaustion, insomnia, headaches and vision problems. Bringing this Third Eye Chakra into balance, will also help you master one’s ability to trust one’s intuition, and inner voice, which is the essence of inner peace, and transversely, one’s outer harmony. The third eye chakra rules over our capacity to see the truth. It is to recognize the illusory qualities of life, and shift one’s identity into a broader sense, encompassing one’s personal reality as reflections of the mind and reflections of the self. It is the capacity for compassion for all of those you encounter. Having this third eye mind center in phi balance is the key to setting you free from the trap of the mundane and into mastery of your own conscious world. The 1 hour phi balance music portion includes binaural beats set to a low theta state for vivid dreams. Because of its intensity, the remaining 7 hours include a gentle rain sound, with subtle Delta waves to keep you well rested, commercial disturbance free over a black screen.
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This is part of a series. For the complete series playlist click here:
This new way of fractal tuning just might be the greatest invention Nikola Tesla gifted to the world. Only through Vortex mathematics did he discover what he would later call, “the miracle of 369”, which is the phi tuning used to create all of the music on the Phi Tribe Channel.
Phi Tribe
It’s Deeper Than You Think.
Composed Produced and Mixed by FORD
FordProductions, Atlanta
Video created by Ford
Phi Tribe is your exclusive source for all music using this balanced tuning, with an entire catalog of music created in 432Hz and utilizing Phi Balance methods to suit any mood or activity.
Released by Phi Tribe Entertainment
For more behind the scenes video of the making of this song and others on Phi Tribe, please subscribe to
Fords Playground on YouTube…
For all music licensing inquiries contact our A&R at
And for more great 432Hz music, please subscribe to the Phi Tribe YouTube Channel.…
IG: @phitribe369
So far no lucid dreams so I’m here listening every night but I experiment with different frequencies and having an easier time getting to sleep and getting Back to sleep when I’m awakened during the night. I’ll continue with the ones I Know work for me while still expanding on the frequencies I wanna continue to try!!

Hi after I used phi tribes lucid dreaming music is amazing I have gotten up a lot better in the mornings for school and don’t sleep in class anymore thank you phi tribe
5:30 calming
Damn this really hits home.
I had some pretty vivid dreams last night.
The portal appears, life as you know it is changed. The tall slim old man says, GET RICKITY RICKITY WRECKED SON! A small pubescent boy whimpers, oh geez:( You jump into the portal clearly surprising the pair, and away we go! Sleep well in the cosmos my fellow bipeds
Unfortunately this kept me up. I turned it off and put my fan on and fell right to sleep
I can finally sleep now thank you so so much I don’t ever get sleep at all but I found this in my world completely changed thank you so so much keep doing what you’re doing
pls reapliy
It did help me fix my sleep patterns
Lots of eastern religion balogney but the music is great. Nothing in the mystical eternal now is present in the third eye because its phooey. Lol
Man i haven’t commented on this video since last year (yk since its 2025 man i have no jokez-)
I had a nasty nightmare from this
I saw a blue eye and I wasn’t even half asleep lmaooo
39:58 POV Mario got through painting
Why is it whenever I have a lucid dream it’s scary. It’s always some stuff out of a horror movie
Listenning to this with headphones on because my neighbours dog wont stop barking….its midnight….Christmas eve.
Let’s try this out shall we!
Been listening to this at bedtime for the past 6 nights. My sleeping patterns have corrected themselves to normal finally! I can’t thank you enough.
As a surgeon, this gets me through those long operations
Too bad they have Adds otherwise it would have been nice.
I give thanks to All That Is for in this moment I am right where I need to be. I have love in my heart, peace in my mind, and joy surrounds me. I am Grateful.
Love and light
Phi tribe repliy
Thank you very much it really helps!
I hope u use this to to fall asleep everyone have a good night
could I have a good nightt
I am so grateful for you this is absolutely beautiful
None of these work for me but we’ll see if this one does.
Why whisper?
A gentle voice is much more calming.
Why was there a McRib advertisement in the middle of my "deep sleep"? Woke me straight up.