Scientific Evidence Shows Crystals Can Amplify Our Energy
Scientific Evidence Shows Crystals Can Amplify Our Energy
Learn about the power of crystals for manifestation, healing, and alchemy:
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Real crystals. However the consumerist trendy crowd just buys on Amazon
"Scientists believe"?
Glory to YAH IMNY. We are a crystallized body. Skin hides the crystal structure
This is true! My neighbor does Crystal Meth and it gives him amazing energy!
People just love saying the word quantum all of a sudden!
What’s the guys name
Some advanced ET’s use crystals to power their ships.
Giorgio Tsoukalos: Dad? Is that you??
I’ve read druggies consider crystal meth the best.
These short clips are not my piece of cake Hope to see this in a normal video format. Thanks
Even this video is not a coincidence. Just thought about it today… Wow. At the end of the movie Knowing, they are flying away in giant crystal shaped spaceships
resonating infinite love and peaceful vibrations to you all
Silicon Valley?
Triangles are the geometric foundation responsible for all matter.
grateful for this video
So do different crystals have different energies??
WUWU BOLLOCKS scientists show evidence
when its a using big words without knowing the actual meaning competition and your opponent is Gaia
Amen. And quartz was used in early radios & can help to block EMFs from emitting waves in areas or throughout. Used in relious artifacts & occult practice & have natural healing properties.
As a musician I’d love to pick with Greg
you can charge them in the sun and then wear it as a necklace, it will radiate the sun’s energy straight into your heart
The Beautiful Beings of Gaia would like to thank GAIA for your service. We are forever grateful.
well yeah ofc they can have spiritual influence but those spirits are demons
Crystals are fragments of an entity encapsulated into a vehicle that allows it experience 3rd -6density or physical life on earth.. each color no matter where it is on the planet are the same being, that’s where the specific attributes come in
Soul essence in the physical human body = color essence in physical crystal body
Nicola Tesla said that crystals were alive. Living beings.
This video makes me sad. Why do you have to lie to people, do you find this funny ? 🙁
More proof of intelligence design. God is amazing! ❤
All is math
i do love everything Greg Braden brings forward.
What kind of crystals?
The Physics of Crystals – Les Brown (classic presentation):
Money for nothing and your chicks for free.
Gregg Braden is a pseudoscientists
Seth was saying these things back in the 70’s By Jane Roberts. Nature of personal reality and 14 books were channeled .
Energy? Can you please elaborate? Solar energy? Electrical energy? Red bull? Cocaine? What energy? Ohh must be that dragon ball z type energy. True bro.
Some have evolved from Carbon to crystal.
Like the others forms of nature?
I love this guy in X-Men!
Ok it might be true. Now prove that you can send energy from your body into a crystal and amplify it. I’m pretty sure you don’t even know even how you produce that energy with your body. And you might said that you do it trough meditation. And i will tell you to record it and measure it. I’ve never heard a scientist saying such thing. I know you want it to be real. And your imagination might make you think that it works however, in the real world, it doesn’t work like that. Sorry. You can excite a crystal only by hitting it with a hammer, or by applying an electric current. You can make it vibrate also with sound. If you try to turn your brain waves into an amplified voltage signal and apply it to the crystal, perhaps that might be a good start. Perhaps . . ., LMAO! Who know try it and measure it.