CROWN CHAKRA (SAHASRARA) – Powerful Healing Meditation Music

CROWN CHAKRA (SAHASRARA) – Powerful Healing Meditation Music

CROWN CHAKRA ( SAHASRARA) – Powerful Healing Meditation Music

✓ Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

The crown chakra, the seventh and final energy center of most contemporary chakra systems, is the most ethereal and transcendent of all the chakras. Located on the very top of the head, it is our direct connection to the divine.

The Sanskrit name for the crown chakra is Sahasrara which translates to “thousand-petalled” referencing the infinite number of petals associated with this particular chakra. Let that sink in for just moment – our crown chakra is our source of beautiful, infinite life. a

The crown chakra represents enlightenment or our most heightened level of consciousness. Through the crown chakra, we are able to find transcendent awareness, liberating ourselves from the cycles of life and death that plague our external world and connecting directly with source and spirit.

An activated crown chakra can bring us to a state of superconsciousness by which we are able to receive downloads and special nuggets of information from the universe we wouldn’t otherwise be receiving. Through Sahasrara, we are connected to open to everything in existence – the crown chakra illuminates, awakening us to the idea that we are in fact connected to everything in the universe – all is one.

When functioning properly, the crown chakra can also be our source of creativity and inspiration. It is the origin of new and original ideas and thoughts. When out of balance, the crown chakra can lead to feelings of craziness and total instability. Sometimes, we can even open our crown chakra a little too far which can cause sensitivity to light and other unpleasant experiences like migraines.

✓ The Seven Main Chakras

Working with chakra energy highlights just how deeply interconnected we are with everything around us. The energetic body is our greatest tool for the cultivation of self-awareness – our bodies, minds, and spirits are in constant communication with one another which can reveal incredibly powerful information to us, so long as we are aware.

When our chakras aren’t functioning properly, communication between them becomes blocked.

These blockages can translate to the blockages we experience in our outer world. They are direct insights into how well we harmonize with our environment, both internally and externally. In this way, our chakras provide crucial insight into our personal energy fields and what is impacting or inhibiting them.

✓ Introducing the Chakra
Arising from ancient Hindu philosophy, the idea of the chakras were discussed in the first written records of Indian mystic philosophy, the Upanishads. The most literal translation of the word chakra is “wheel” which describes the shape the ancient mystics saw in this way, you can think of

chakras as spinning wheels of energy.

While the color, size, and location of the chakras vary from philosophy to philosophy, chakras are simply the cycles of energy that exist in the auric field of all humans. If consciousness and energy are one and the same, then our chakras are the embodiment of certain aspects of our consciousness.

While ancient eastern mystics knew there to be hundreds, possibly even thousands, of chakras located throughout the energy body, our contemporary view of chakras focuses on just seven. Starting at the base of the spine and extending all the way through the crown of the head, the seven main chakras all work together to keep the energetic body operating and regulated.

The primary chakras are associated with specific locations on the body that also correspond with the body’s biological systems such as the endocrine glands and the central nervous system. Consequently, disturbances to the energy of the chakras can manifest as physical symptoms on a

biological level.

While we know chakras are purely energetic, whenever one of these major energy centers is thrown off balance or blocked, physical symptoms may occur. The chakras are also associated with different colors, representing various elements of their energy fields. An individual’s chakra colors usually indicate their current emotional state – as the emotions in our bodies shift, so do the colors of our chakra wheels.

The chakra colors are not set in stone and much like the fluidity of human emotions, they also are in constant flux. Usually the brighter and more full of light an individual chakra is, the healthier that chakra is functioning.

There are also chakra symbols associated with each energy center, each one incorporating a powerful circle to represent our infinite connection to the divine. The chakra symbols tend to resemble lotus flowers and carry the associated chakra color with it as well.
