Healing Properties of Moldavite Crystal (TikTok made me buy it)
Healing Properties of Moldavite Crystal (TikTok made me buy it)
Let’s talk about what Moldavite can do for you, and it’s benefits! I watched Moldavite on TikTok and was like… OMG I totally need that!
But before I bought it, I did a shamanic journey on Moldavite to see how it would change my life and what its crystal healing benefits were before buying it. And it gave me a wonderful analogy with visions in my third eye to explain how it can be used. I share that in this video.
Note, if you want to buy Moldavite for yourself, go to a reputable seller. If it’s from China, it’s probably fake, they make reproductions. Moldavite are generally found in Bohemia and Moravia which is in the Czech Republic. I think they can be found in Germany and Austria as well. The land where most of the Moldavite is found has been declared a national park very recently, so that is why the price is so high now. I bought mine off eBay from a store called: az.minerals.meteorites I wraplped it in wire myself.
Let me know in the comments if you have any Moldavite stories or if you have decided to purchase one!
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ASMR YouTube CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNE5LI764CDuXI4o8plP3oQ
WEBSITE: http://www.arwenmclaughlin.com
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#moldavitetictok #moldavitecrystal #crystalhealing
I was so fortunate to get 3 good sized pieces of genuine Moldavite before prices went sky high. I seem to be drawn to ‘space glass’ and tektites so they are drawn to me!! Libyan desert glass (Golden color) is so supportive too! But, I also love the mineral kingdom from Mother Earth so they surround me and I love to be with them.
Arwen! I was just telling a friend about my big plan to build a hempcrete house on my land. I’ve held this ideal for many years. I’ve never been able to ‘see’ how it will all materialize. And here you are, just like moldovite itself, giving me a step to take. I’ve always been attracted to this stone but do not yet have one. I love this theme! Are you going to do more gem stone videos? I recently bought a lovely piece of Charoite .
Tell me, do you not have to hold it in your hands before you get a stone?