A cleanse won't detox your body — but here's what will | Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter
A cleanse won't detox your body — but here's what will | Body Stuff with Dr. Jen Gunter
Put down the cayenne-lemon water and step away from the herbal tea. Cleanses and detox products like these don’t remove toxins, says Dr. Jen Gunter, and some of them may even be hurting your health. Learn how your body rids itself of harmful substances and what you can do to keep this system running smoothly.
Think you know how your body works? Think again! Dr. Jen Gunter is here to shake up everything you thought you knew — from how much water you need to drink to how often you need to poop and everything in between. This TED original series will tell you the truth about what’s *really* going on inside you. (Made possible with the support of Oura)
Want to hear more from Dr. Jen Gunter? Follow Body Stuff on Apple Podcasts: https://link.chtbl.com/BodyStuffYT
I feel like I kind of disagree with her…
You need to contact (Dr. ono) on YouTube to get a perfect natural herbs to get rid of herpes virus permanently. I’m a living testimony.
Protect your liver at all cost.
There was a time I was drinking lots lots water. It helped my blood clean
Fasting costs nothing. Look to Dr Rober Morse. Don’t waste time with clueless Docs of medicine.
Cleansing doesn’t just mean the liver though, it usually refers to the digestive tract/bowels. Not a big fan of the "wellness" BS marketing either.
There are foods that are good to detox like sauerkraut, cruciferous vegetables, bile salts and garlic. Also add fasting to let your body detox itself.
So after this, just get laxative instead of those fancy detox products
This doctor has 1000s of years of ayurvedic medicine that disagree.
okay but what’s her hair routine!? my hair seems similar but my curls never hold like that
Rediculous .
I thought she was Leslie Winkle from TBBT! :3
wow, that was a waste of time
Has anyone looked for an unbiased scientist that disagrees with her claim? Because while this does sound accurate, the smart thing to do is question it.
sorry this is bullshit lol. if you can detox drugs out of your system you can detox other toxins.
But the liver needs particular substances to do its job, detox. You must eat foods containing that particular substances so the liver can utilize them for the detox process. Meaning, what you eat affects very much and directly the ability of your body to detox. Meaning this video is over simplifying and wrong. Also one can consume substances that bind directly to some toxins, making them more manageable for the body and eventfully excrete them in the best scenario. Or at least neutralize the toxicity and isolate them as lumps and bumps throughout the body or "benign" tumors, worse case scenario.
But how do I detox the mystery juice from my system?
Hey guys Hey. Also sometimes I share this, the Bible says that GOD loves us so much that he sent his son JESUS CHRIST to this earth and HE lived a perfect sinless life.And JESUS went to a cross and gave HIS life for us.And rose again in 3 days and who ever will receive JESUS AS THEIR SAVIOR AND ASK HIM TO COME INTO THEIR HEART AND FORGIVE THEIR SINS,HE WILL TAKE YOU TO HEAVEN.
I hate these nay sayers there morons garlic lemons oranges grapefruits have been used for thousands of years and especially to keep our bodies clean out fat and toxins from a horrible western diet of cheeseburgers beers etc etc Al this b.s. is why Americans are straying from natural wholesome remedies and that’s why cancer and diabetes are running rampant what a life with no vices oh yeah I know .. it’s communism!
Hey TED talk, get with the updated scientific literature, you’re outdated and old school crap has no purpose here anymore.
This is 100% bullshit. Cleanses DO remove toxins from the body. This is a fucking joke. I cured myself of major illness because of a cleanse.
Eat 35 g or more fiber per day (really hard) everything else takes care of itself.
Fiber sweeps the system.
Thanks Doc; great video
These Ted talks are becoming more anecdotal, testimonial than inspired.
so I have this cleansing tea it says it supports liver, lungs , etc. so is it bad for me or it just doesnt benefit me?
You cannot detox your body because there are no toxins in your body unless you are very sick.
So basically Lemon juice and cayenne pepper will help cure this hangover?
Look at this thing trying to tell me how to be healthy. Disgusting
Wow so eye opening. Tha k you
Not true .. if you fast for 1 week you are fell into cellular change !
This is so incomplete. Fasts have been known for millennium to do wonders for your health and longevity.
What a waste of time that I wish I could get back. Nothing to learn here
It "cleanses" the liver by forcing a different liver mode and discharge of the gallbladder – know the claims before trying to disprove them. This is just lazy and makes a good argument for science-scepticism. I do agree that people should be wary of cleansing diets, besides, liver cannot cleanse from certain cellular deposits, but there is a truth to the claim that cleansing your bowels twice a year in lower intake regime and a lot of liquids (non-sugary, fermented and sour) can give a break to the liver, especially if one intakes a lot of casein or meat on a daily basis.
Great video! For years, some people in my life haven’t believed that food can make or break our body. One thing I would add is.. eat, exercise and sleep on time.
How about colon cleanse?
but this was only about the liver. what about all the other stuff?
lol, this video is not going to sit well in the mind of Republicans.
I’ll tell you some doctors are just dumb and ignorant
Acetaminophen not mentioned? Alcohol and supplements are certainly demonized here, but don’t worry, we won’t talk about big pharma’s acetaminophen causing more damage than any supplements!
Gee doc..don’t wanna tell us the whole truth?
I believe in fasting for one month. Thats amazing
I have come to understand the usefulness of herbs after Dr. Ikpoko on YouTube who cured me of Herpes simplex virus using his effective herbal medicine that cured me completely from this virus.
hmmm…..don’t put bad stuff in?
Dr. Eric Berg’s channel is full of information and content relating to almost any health issue subject matter. Nutrition is the building block to effect positive change or negative results. He is a wealth of information. This video here did nothing to earn my subscription.
Was with you until you talked about vaccine and bashed herbs
All right. This was a) pure click bait, cause no info on really detoxing! Not even if it can be done, or not!
b) And this one really gets me, a general not specified jab at alternative mecicine and thereby insituting the dominance of regular medicine! This is so low! So mean! Because, if used well, with knowledge, some of these natural remedies DO HELP!
So I think, this is also ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!
Just like the alternative pill peddlars who crush regular medicine as the Evil Big Pharma. Both equally YUK!