Vishuddha (Throat) Vedic Mantra | Throat Chakra Meditation Mantra Chanting
Vishuddha (Throat) Vedic Mantra | Throat Chakra Meditation Mantra Chanting
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Meditation to Heal your Vishuddha Chakra
• Cross your fingers on the inside of your hands, without the
thumbs. Let the thumbs touch at the top, and pull them slightly
• Concentrate on the Throat chakra at the base of the throat.
• Chant the sound “HAM”.
Mantra –
Om visuddhi-chakra-nilayayei namaha
Meaning –
This mantra invokes Goddess Shakti as a Shakini shakti. The meaning is – “Salutation to Goddess who is seated at the lotus of the Vishudha chakra “. Vishudha chakra is a 16 petal Blue colour chakra located at the pit of the throat. By reciting this Shakti mantra one can clear, balance and open the Throat or Vishuddha chakra.
#VishuddhaChakra as Throat Chakra located at the center of your throat. It is your seat for knowledge, communication, and realization of higher self, intellect, and enhanced awareness. Beej mantra for meditation on this Chakra is HAM. Daily meditation with this mantra resonates with the vibration of the chakra and balances Vishuddha Chakra.
To know more about Throat/Vishuddha Chakra
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Audio and Video produced by Rudra Centre.
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