Crystal of the Month!! Obsidian & Chrysocolla; Rapp Jewels
Crystal of the Month!! Obsidian & Chrysocolla; Rapp Jewels
Crystal of the month: Chrysocolla and Obsidian
Chrysocolla: helps give strength for life’s pursuits and taking on goals. It helps with braving transitions and change. Helps with aligning your life with your heart and speaking/acting out of that alignment. Removes thoughts and feelings preventing you from acting. watery stone.
Obsidian: POWERFUL PROTECTION STONE. Helps transmute negative energy your or others give off and aids in healing dark energy from wounding or thoughts.
Available until 11/30/20
go to to order
Promo code: kaitlyn44 for 15 percent off your box
$35 dollar box with the retail value of $85 shipped on the 14th of the following month.
Hand crafted by Owner Kayla Rapp
Contact Information:
Instagram: rappjewels