Turquoise Lets Talk Stones

Turquoise Lets Talk Stones

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Turquoise is a stone that has been used since the beginning of time for it’s resonance with sustaining our creations. This stone has been known to be a physical healing stone for anything having to do with the throat or respiratory system. Turquoise is also reputed to be emotionally healing as well, just be using turquoise one is able said to be able to let go of all resentment towards others and self. Turquoise has been known for thousands of years as a protective stone, during the crusades soldiers used turquoise on their horses to protect them in battle.
When we work with Turquoise we are asked to raise our inner truth and walk our talk. Turquoise is a stone that shifts us to raise our expectations of ourselves and to meet these expectations. Turquoise has always been known as a stone that brings one to purity and helps them stand in their own truth. That is exactly how we are able to continue to be fluid inner beliefs, to always question them. Turquoise teaches us that what is our truth now, can become greater, do not resist allow it to happen and our inner truth will raise.
Turquoise is a stone that always helps one feel compassion for self, for s short period of time, then it seems to push the individual to a point in moving forward, leaving any resentment in the past where it belongs. Turquoise helps one to find understandings in past events whether from this lifetime or others. Once we can understand the importance these events have in our development of who are in the present and the future it is much easier to leave them in the past.

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