963 Hz | Experience The Joy of Divine Love – Crown Chakra Spirit Guide | Centering Meditation Music

963 Hz | Experience The Joy of Divine Love – Crown Chakra Spirit Guide | Centering Meditation Music

Understanding your life purpose is critical for feeling happy. The lack of life purpose can be felt as emptiness inside. The secret of feeling the purpose of your life is staying in permanent contact with the Divine Love. The energy center that links your mind to the Higher Mind is the crown Chakra. The Crown Chakra is the gateway to the joy of the Divine Blessing. The emanations of God fill you when your Crown Chakra is healthy and open.

If you feel empty, depressed or meaningless, most likely your Crown Chakra is blocked. The blockages in Crown Chakra disturb the proper energy flow through your body and spirit and disconnect you from the unlimited resources of the universe. The fundamental frequency of the Crown Chakra is 963 Hz. When you listen to 963 Hz based meditation music the amplitude of vibrations in your Crown Chakra increases. The intense and active vibrations release the block and open your body and mind for the unlimited flow of the cosmic energy.

The 963 Hz tone is one of the miracle Solfeggio frequencies. It is the tone of the spirit guide that leads you to the spiritual awakening. By listening to 963 Hz spirit guide meditation music you open yourself for the love of God and the Divine Blessing. The 963 Hz healing meditation music balances and aligns the Crown Chakra and lets the energies of all the other chakras to work together creating the synergy and multiplying the tempo of your spiritual growth.

Feel the joy of love and joy of life by opening and healing your Crown Chakra. Open yourself for the resources of the Universe that it is willing to provide. The Universe has trillions times more energy than you will ever need during all of your lives and it is willing to fill you with the resources and love. Listen to the relaxing healing music, meditate to the 963 Hz Crown Chakra Spirit Guide music and be blessed!

The 963 Hz Crown Chakra music is great background for practicing the centering meditation and centering prayers. The composition is also great as a yoga music.

Composition number: 19132