741Hz Throat Chakra – Let Go Of Mental Blockages ➤ Boost Positive & Creative Energy Music

741Hz Throat Chakra – Let Go Of Mental Blockages ➤ Boost Positive & Creative Energy Music

741 Hz Vishuddha Chakra Frequency Meditation Music Let Go Music To Activate, open, balance and heal your | Hz Music – Throat Chakra boosting positive and creative Energy.

741 Hz – Cleans the cell from the toxins. Frequent use of 741 Hz leads to a healthier, simpler life, and also to change in diet towards foods which are not poisoned by various kinds of toxins. It also cleans the cell from different kinds of electromagnetic radiations. Another important application of this sound frequency is cleansing infections – viral, bacterial, and fungal. This tone leads you to pure, stable and spiritual life.


The Sanskrit word for the throat chakra is Vishuddha and means “purity/purification”. The color of the fifth chakra is blue, and the element associated with the throat chakra is Akasha (space/aether/sound). The Vishuddha is located at the neck and throat and holds your energetic and emotional experience of speaking your truth, understanding of others and being understood, openness, communication and confidence. It is the first of the higher chakras and it works on a spiritual plane of your being. It is also a bridge between our emotions and our intellect. A balanced throat chakra allows us to have a clear and honest communication with our physical and spiritual world.


– Dishonesty
– Speaking too much or inappropriately
– Not having the practice or skill to listen
– The fear of expressing our thoughts and feelings
– Aggressively forcing our opinions on others.
– Feeling shy and experiencing social anxiety
– Lack of purpose in life
– Feeling misunderstood or ignored if you speak
– Your actions do not match your speech
– Feeling bottled up with secrets
– Sore throat, stiff neck and shoulders and hormone fluctuations

Still unsure if your Throat Chakra needs to be healed and balance?

Ask yourself these questions;
– Am I feeling confident in expressing my inner world and truths?
– Have I been criticized a lot by the people close to me?
– Do I feel that my thoughts, ideas and opinions are valued by my environment?
– Am I holding on to too many secrets?
– Do I argue a lot out of frustration of not being heard or understood?
– Am I criticizing other people a lot?


– Sound healing! Solfeggio frequency 741Hz and the G note.
– Meditation, mantras and affirmations
– Singing and dancing
– Keep a journal. Try to read it out loud
– Write down what you are grateful for
– Practice conscious listening every day for at least 5 minutes when someone is speaking. Without judgement or thinking about what to respond, just listen.
– Practice conscious speaking. “Am I speaking my truth right now with compassion and love?”
– Drink a lot of water
– Apple, lime, lemon, peach, nuts and seeds
– Yoga and neck exercises


The fastest and most effective way to release the energy blockage is through sound, especially for the throat Chakra. It is a very direct and vibrational energy that is immediately responded to by the energy field in your body. We have created this video for you and your healing. The music has the 741Hz Solfeggio frequency mixed into it, and the singing-bowls used in this song is in the G note, resonating at the throat chakra frequency. Listening to this video for 30 minutes a day, will help you activate energy movement in your throat chakra. For now, you can allow the music to do the work for you! Enjoy the healing. You deserve it, you wonderful expression of life!

Root Chakra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyMXF8UYBn4&t=290s

Sacral Chakra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvchiTlQAh0&t=123s

Solar Chakra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrnuVOoumDQ&t=366s

Heart Chakra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3Toyk-bCso

Throat Chakra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhnhTrfYhxY


What We wish for you: Peace, healing, self empowerment, connection

What we believe in: Power of the mind, spirituality, growth. Oneness.

What we stand for: Empowerment through self-healing and that all of us have the power to change within.

What we support: Everything that promotes health, personal, physical, and spiritual growth.
We support you on your path of self discovery and growth.

What we care about: The evolution of our people and the direction we are going collectively as a species. We believe in raising the vibration of Earth. We care about the planet that is our home.

Our spirit greets yours.

Infinite love to all,
Christine & Alexander

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