7 Chakras Meditation : Root Chakra to Crown Chakra to Root Chakra

7 Chakras Meditation : Root Chakra to Crown Chakra to Root Chakra

Meditative Mind
7 Chakras Cyclic Chanting Meditation : Root Chakra to Crown Chakra to Root Chakra.

1. Root Chakra – LAM chants.
2. Sacral Chakra – VAM Chants
3. Solar Plexus Chakra – RAM Chants
4. Heart Chakra – YAM Chants
5. Throat Chakra – HAM Chants
6. Third Eye Chakra – OM Chants
7. Crown Chakra – AH Chants

Special Thanks Meditative Mind and to Philip Rudolph for suggesting this. We always concentrated on single chakra chant in one meditation. The idea here is to go in a cyclic way from Root Chakra to Crown Chakra chants, and then back to Root Chakra and so on. And each chant is chanted in the frequency pertaining to that chakra.