Primary Frequency used to compose this track is – 480Hz, which is the root note of this music.
This is the last one from our chakra hang drum + rain series . Soothing hang drum & rain meditation music series. Awaken your Crown Chakra with this powerful healing music featuring the mesmerizing Hang Drum and soothing Rain Ambience. Meditative Mind brings you a transformative experience to elevate your spiritual connection and cleanse your aura. Immerse yourself in this tranquil soundscape and let the vibrations harmonize your mind, body, and soul.
About Crown Chakra
Sahasrara or crown chakra is the seventh primary chakra or energy center in our body. The Sahasrara is located either at or slightly above the top of the head. The Sahasrara Chakra symbolises detachment from illusion; an essential element in obtaining higher consciousness of the truth that one is all and all is one.
Read and Learn more here : https://meditativemind.org/how-to-meditate-to-open-crown-chakra-really-simple/
Awaken HIGHER CHAKRAS with Magical Chants – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5vpE74eWPI
Our app gives you uninterrupted access to our entire music library + much more – https://meditativemind.page.link/mmapp/
Copyright ⓒ 2020 Meditative Mind®. All Rights Reserved.
#MeditativeMind #ChakraHealing #CrownChakra
ISRC : AUTMZ2090602
SKU : JkncMWkGqa0
UPC : 9356546010289
Piece to my ears ❤
It was great, I felt its effect
I have faith that all our dreams can come true, we spread good vibes for all the good people, love for the lonly, food for the hungry, healing for the sick, remove all stress, shame, fear, hate, break all limits, be free, relax and know that you deserve to be happy and healthy, you are dreamer and dream, we can do it, find paradise inside and spread it, may we radiate boundless love and abundance towards the entire world, may we have enough, may we heal, i am wisdom, i am inner peace, i am beautifull, i love life and the beauty in everyone and everything, i am safe and i belief that i can do it, i can love, i can heal, i let go the past, i feel the moment, i relax, listening to this beautifull music, thank you, for beeing who you are.
Just a drop, to trickle in, of love after not having it for so long will be enough to rest any Devil, any day.
I love you and you may not know it but you love You best.
Beautiful… I have a request… Plz make similar hang drum n this sort of music with om namah shivay chanting… This so soothing.. N deep
Gratidão, Deus abençoe!!❤
To the person reading this … Remember that everything begins within you. You are light, you are peace, you are harmony and we are one.
I am wisdom. I have wisdom. Not only that, but I am connected to the Creator of all. My energy is perfect and straight. My aura is cleansed. You can chant these while listening to this amazing track. Peace to all.
I don’t make mistakes as God.
No mistakes with us here ever.
Not Even One.
She’s not coming back.
Life goes on.
Gives our love value to be better when it arrives with another not far off the trail of the one love she is with us all equally.
Good to be able to turn thoughts off completely at any moments notice.
Helps with clean up.
Bad thoughts are bad friends.
Good friends will tell you that about bad thoughts if we know that already about bad friends.
Own best friend.
Why is this 480 hz? Shouldn’t it be 963?
A peaceful rest and calmness of the body and mind is bestowed upon you. Good night.✨
Usually, struggles with others is just a minor lesson we pay forward for having self inflicted these scenes as the offender rather than one to create the offense.
Typically, We don’t realize how much pain we caused until it’s to late, so if it is minimal then consider the future as bright as the wisdom we Love itself.
Equally with contemplation you are healed with sound mind, rational heart space and good logic by the experience once you have calmed the waves of emotion that is attached to its beginning with gratitude and it’s end, likewise that is success.
Can anyone tell me the scale and key of the hang drum used? It has such a mystical sound, beautiful.
1, 2, 3. 4 comes before One and counts itself, Zero.
To know me means you have not.
To have not is something. That is why we will never know me, until we KNOW Me, As I Am Knowing Myself, Also.
thank you.blessings.
¡ Padre Celestial, Madre, Amigo, Bienamado Dios!,
Que la pronunciación incesante y silenciosa de tu sagrado Nombre nos transforme a tu semejanza.
Inspíranos para que nuestro amor por las cosas materiales se convierta en adoración a Ti. Que a través de nuestros corazones purificados venga a la tierra tu reino de perfección y todos los pueblos sean liberados del sufrimiento. Permite que la libertad interior del alma se manifieste también en el exterior.
Que nuestra voluntad se fortalezca en el triunfo sobre los deseos mundanos y se ponga definitivamente en armonía con tu perfecta voluntad.
Danos el pan nuestro de cada día: alimento, salud y prosperidad para el cuerpo, eficiencia para la mente y, sobre todo, tu amor y sabiduría para el alma.
Es tu ley que "con la medida con que midáis se os medirá"; ayúdanos pues a perdonar a quienes nos ofenden, teniendo siempre presente lo mucho que necesitamos tu inmerecida misericordia.
No nos abandones en el abismo de las tentaciones en que hemos caído por el mal uso que hacemos del don de la razón que nos concediste. Y cuando sea tu voluntad ponernos a prueba, ¡oh Espíritu!, permite que nos demos cuenta que Tú eres mucho más fascinante que cualquier tentación del mundo.
Ayúdanos a librarnos de las tenebrosas ligaduras del único mal: no conocerte.
Porque Tuyo es el reino, y el poder, y la gloria, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén. אָמֵן autor: PY
Todos os tipos de sementes de poder estão dentro de você, esperando para você fazê-las crescer.
Remember, it is what you can do for it…❤
This video is a great reminder to slow down and take a moment to breathe.
I’m feeling heaviness at the top of my head
Is this for clearing the chakra or activating it?
I love it! This is the best kind of ASMR, haha! Raindrops fit perfectly here as well. Namaste-positive everyone!
Gracias Gracias Gracias