(30min) Crown Chakra Activation -Sahasrara "I UNDERSTAND" – Awaken, Align, Balance, Heal and Cleanse

(30min) Crown Chakra Activation -Sahasrara "I UNDERSTAND" – Awaken, Align, Balance, Heal and Cleanse

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) “I UNDERSTAND
Color: Violet, White, Gold
Symbol: Thousand Petal Lotus
Realm: Soul, Ketheric
Element: Spirit
Planet: Pluto
Day: Thursday
Seed Sound: Silence
Note: B
Tones: 243 hz, 486hz, 972 hz
Sense: None
Feeling: Connected
Glandular Connection: Pituitary
Location: At the top of the head with its petals facing upwards and stem facing downward into the central column
Meal: Pure air
Influence: Consciousness, Intelligence
Qualities: Unity, Wisdom, Awareness, Intelligence, Miracles, Bliss
Body: Pineal Gland, Upper Brain, and Right Eye
Malfunction: Irrationality, Confusion, Apathy, Mental Illness, Learning Disabilities, Over Intellectualism Quietening Fragrances: Rosemary, Bergamot
Stimulating Fragrances: Violet, Amber
Crystals and Gemstones: Diamond, White Tourmaline, White Jade, Snowy Quartz, Celestite, Pearl Purpose: Higher Wisdom Enlightenment
Key Words: Soul, Surrender, Release, Incoming Will

All media content provided by Golden Light Meditations is intended for entertainment or educational purposes only. None of this content is intended to offer, or replace, qualified medical or health related advice. All meditations are to offer energetic healing via sound frequency vibrations at ones free will. DO NOT watch or listen to this material while driving or operating machinery or heavy equipment, where it is not safe for you to relax and/or fall asleep.
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