30 Minute Crown Chakra Yoga Practice
30 Minute Crown Chakra Yoga Practice
Welcome to a crown chakra practice!
The crown chakra, also known as the sahasrara chakra, is the seventh and last chakra in the chakra system.
If you have no idea what chakras are and you’d like to learn more, check out this blog post: https://roamingyogi.co/7-chakras-what-is-a-chakra
The sahasrara chakra is the chakra of universal consciousness.
It is located at the crown of the head and extends infinitely upward and outward, connecting you to the energy of the rest of the universe…sort of like your own personal portal to the universe.
The crown chakra represents the “aha” moments in life – those lightbulb moments where it feels like insight or inspiration are sort of dropped in from above.
An underactive crown chakra manifests as a human experience, which is totally normal! A balanced crown chakra is basically enlightenment, and it’s highly unlikely that you or I will achieve it in this lifetime.
But that’s ok! The journey to attempt to find a balanced sahasrara chakra is what brings us joy, health, and wisdom.
When it comes to the crown chakra, it is truly about the journey, not the destination.
You can read more about the sahasrara chakra in this blog post: https://roamingyogi.co/crown-chakra-sahasrara-chakra-seventh-chakra
And if you’d like a guided meditation for the ajna chakra as well, there’s one up on the Roaming Yogi Meditations Podcast! – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/crown-chakra-guided-meditation/id1437951162?i=1000440967144
I’ll meet you on the mat!
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