Archive for September 23, 2019
How to Work with Crystals: Turquoise
How to Work with Crystals: Turquoise Turquoise is a stone of spiritual mastery that helps mystics, healers, shamans and sages tune into the voice of Spirit, the soul, the land, and our own inner truth. It’s also one of the stones most commonly faked in the marketplace. Here’s how to work with it! Click over…
Read MoreFeeling Blue? Wear Blue Shirt and Feel Good
Blue is a color that can improve your mood in a great way. Wearing blue not only make you more attractive but also helps you build a professional as well as interesting look. Sometimes a question arises in mind what to wear with blue? Blue has many shades such as federal ultramarine and cobalt. Blue…
Read MoreOpening Throat Chakra (Sadhguru)
Opening Throat Chakra (Sadhguru)
Read MoreSolar Plexus Chakra Healing Music | Super Powerful Self Confidence | Chakra Meditation Music
Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Music | Super Powerful Self Confidence | Chakra Meditation Music Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Music | Improve Self Confidence & Self Esteem | Chakra Meditation Music Balancing Solar Plexus Chakra helps in increasing the energy levels, Self-Confidence and Inner Power to achieve anything in life. Solar Plexus Chakra is also known…
Read MoreHeart Care | Natural Home Remedies for Heart Diseases
”; Heart disease is one of the top killers today. The need for natural heart remedies has never been greater as people spend billions each year on the prevention and treatment for heart problems. If you have risk factors for developing heart disease, it’s high time that you start a healthy lifestyle. As with all…
Read MoreThe Inner Ear, A Forgotten chakra you must know about! and the DANCE OF LIFE!
The Inner Ear, A Forgotten chakra you must know about! and the DANCE OF LIFE! ***MUST WATCH*** Divine Wisdom from the Source! In this video there is much to gain. I share a forgotten chakra that is surpressed, hidden, and rarely discussed. We will gain awareness on its significance and what we can do to…
Read MoreCROWN CHAKRA – Powerful Healing Meditation Music
CROWN CHAKRA – Powerful Healing Meditation Music CROWN CHAKRA – Powerful Healing Meditation Music Crown Chakra Is the last of our 7 Chakras, the home of our connection to the cosmos, that infinite energy , Awakening Crown Chakra helps us connecting with that one source of all of us. the source from which we all…
Read MoreThird Eye Chakra | Chakras Explained
Third Eye Chakra | Chakras Explained Sign up for my *free* 3 day Chakra Mini-Course here: Discover the ancient yoga wisdom of the chakras with your guide, Alanna Kaivalya, Ph.D. She brings this material to life in a real, accessible way. The third eye chakra is the seat of our intuition. Access it to…
Read MoreWatermelon Tourmaline – The Crystal of Balanced Love
Watermelon Tourmaline – The Crystal of Balanced Love Mother Nature gifted a loving beauty when she created Watermelon Tourmaline – a synergistic pairing of green and pink, the two colours of the heart chakra. Watermelon Tourmaline balances the flow of love in your life, ensuring there is equal give and take. Although ideal for maintaining…
Read MoreFacts About Pink Diamonds
Graff Pink Supreme Diamond The Argyle Diamond Mine is located in a remote corner of North West Australia and it produces over 90 percent of the world supply of pink diamonds and yet less that 1/10 of 1 percent is classified as Pink in color. The pink diamonds comes in shades ranging from a pastel…
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