114 Chakra Harmony & Energy Flow: Maitreya Reiki™ / Energetically Programmed Audio
114 Chakra Harmony & Energy Flow: Maitreya Reiki™ / Energetically Programmed Audio
Website: https://www.maitreyastore.com/
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Dive into a profound meditative experience with the “114 Chakra Harmony & Energy Flow,” an energetically programmed audio created according to beliefs and principles of Maitreya Reiki™ System of Spiritual Healing to cleanse, balance, and restore optimal energy flow through your chakra system and nadis. This audio aims to facilitate a deep connection to your divine self and the source, enhancing your sense of bliss, love, and unity with all around you.
Key aspects of this audio include:
Vibrational support for the cleansing and balancing of your entire energy system, including all 114 chakras, to promote spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical well-being.
Optimization of energy flows through the chakras and nadis, aiming to remove blockages that may hinder your connection to the divine and your higher self.
Integration of the OM sound, a powerful vibrational tool that aids in clearing the energy system and fostering a deeper connection to your inner self and the divine.
Listening experience:
We recommend engaging with this audio in a meditative state to maximize its benefits. Listen 2-3 times daily, using speakers, to fully immerse in the vibrational healing and balancing it offers.
As you listen, allow yourself to be open to the experience of energy clearing and rebalancing, which may enhance your spiritual health and overall sense of well-being.
The “114 Chakra Harmony & Energy Flow” serves as a vital tool for anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual practice and enhance their energetic health. By integrating this audio into your meditation and wellness routine, you invite the possibility of profound transformation and a more harmonious alignment with your divine essence.
Boosted Digital Mandala:
In this file, we provide answers to the most frequently asked questions + Bonus digital mandala [ Integrating the Higher Self ]: https://www.maitreyastore.com/p/frequently-asked-questions/. Enjoy!
Maitreya Fields is the Originator of the Maitreya Reiki™ System of Spiritual Healing. All our videos and other products are energetically programmed by Maitreya through a deep meditative state with Divine Energy, used in Maitreya Reiki™ for spiritual healing purposes. All views expressed in this description are spiritual and based on the beliefs and premises of the Maitreya Reiki™ System of Spiritual Healing.
Please be aware that the effects of Divine Energy healing and energetic programming through meditation are based on belief and have not been proven by scientific research. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition. If you need medical help, please contact your healthcare provider. This product is designed with the purpose of integrating the principles of balance and well-being associated with Divine Energy healing and the energetic programming utilized by Maitreya Fields.
You can read more about Maitreya Reiki™ in our blog: https://blog.maitreyafields.com/maitreya-reiki-spiritual-healing-system/
i’ve been seeing 114 non stop lately, hopefully this is the answer to my the problems i’ve been having lately.. i don’t think it’s a coincidence. Thank you for this!
Totally awesome, but the crude and RUDE “cut off” at the END hurts!!!
Anybody ever heard of the “fade away” conclusion??? That’s where the music “fades off” at the end. The crude and rude “cut off” is the mark of a complete AMATEUR!!!
NOTE : while listing this 3-4 times, after that you can check your nose, the breathe you take and leave.. notice the smooth breathing. IF you notice smooth and calm breathing after 3-4 listing, it means it works..!!! ( attache it wiht nervis system activation)
I have been having exteam chakras pain while energetically cleansing and entities removal and nothing helps with this track I feel it’s working on affected areas and it’s hard to breath with pain amplified hopefully removing blockages , I will loop all night for few days and update
Looking forward to removing chakras and kundahlini
Do i need to protect or anything is their a certain way of listening to these 1st time
May i ask, which one is more powerful, this or the kundalini awakening?
Hey. What daw do you use to make music with?
How many times do we need to listen to it?
Gespräche im Hintegrund. Das geht nicht
Is there a video to release resistance to fields on this channel so that one can absorb the benefits completely?
Is this also helpful to cats?
I Am unlocking and unblocking all my Chakras
I finally felt some of the emotional release I’ve been needing. Thank you so much
Thank you for posting this to keep all 114 chakras flowing nicely In the way their supose too
En francais sil vous plait merci
Hey maitreya! Please remove ads from this video. It just disturb my mediation practices.
it’s very powerful

I ĺove it
Gratitude Metraiya, Gratitude Source, Gratitude Earth, I am grateful for sound and technology. Gratitude to YouTube.
114 Chakras cleanse Me, in the name of Jesus/Yeshua, Yahweh/Father God & Holy Spirit/Ruach. Pater Filius Spiritus Sanctus Amen
This one hurts me in chest , right in the middle
Cómo se toca este tipo de video tengas tantos anuncio tiene uno que quitarlo por los anuncio
Thank you
Gratidão Pai interior por tudo aqui e agora alegria paz amor riqueza vida saúde sabedoria dentro de meu Ser Multidimensional e maravilhosa suas obras em mim mesmo
This is amazing. God bless u huge Maitreya
They shoved an ad in the middle. Well I got half a listen anyway. You tube fault not yours
This is incredible. For some time my KD 22 meridian point in on of my rips hurts like crazy. When I put pressure on it the pain radiates to my back. Its one of the 86 micro-chakras. This is the only field I found that helps. Thanks. For all you do actually.
During listening, I kept my mouth closed and my lips were vibrating. What it was?
I think I need this.
Very soothing, but no warning of the ending. Just a rude prod from the advert, no return to base time.
Does this open all 114 as well?