DR ERIC ZIELINSKI: The Healing Power of Essential Oils! | Benefits of Essential Oils
DR ERIC ZIELINSKI: The Healing Power of Essential Oils! | Benefits of Essential Oils
If you’ve ever wanted to feel better in every way, then do we have The Healing Power of Essential Oils show for you.
Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Eric Zielinski, a pioneer in natural living and biblical health education, a trained aromatherapist, public health researcher, and chiropractor, and the author of a life-transformative aromatic read – I think everyone should get there hands on, The Healing Power of Essential Oils: Soothe Inflammation, Boost Mood, Prevent Autoimmunity, and Feel Great in Every Way

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about the new medicine of the 21st century, and how to sooth inflammation, boost mood, prevent autoimmunity, and feel great in every way!
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MORE ON DR. ERIC ZIELINSKI: http://www.HealingPowerOfEssentialOils.com
DR. ERIC ZIELINSKI is on a mission to helping people experience the abundant life. Formally trained as a public health researcher and aromatherapist, Dr. Z is the founder of the Essential Oils Revolution summits and Essential Oils for Abundant Living Masterclass that have helped more than 550,000 people across the globe use essential oils safely and effectively. His website, DrEricZ.com, is visited by 6,000,000 natural health seekers every year, and he has rapidly become the #1 resource for non-branded, faith-based essential oils education on the Internet today. An accomplished researcher with several publications and conference proceedings, Dr. Z currently sits as peer-reviewer for multiple journals. He lives in Atlanta with his wife and four children.
Key Topics:
* How did Dr. Eric Zielinski get involved with essential oils?
* What were his health challenges growing up?
* What are the fundamentals of aromatherapy?
* Why are essential oils the wild, wild, west?
* How do network marketing companies help the essential oil business?
* How do we choose a brand of essential oils?
* Where do essential oils come from?
* Does purity matter when it comes to essential oils?
* How was fennel maligned, and what can we learn from it?
* What do we need to know about toxins?
* What does aromatherapy have to do with toxins?
* How important is a diffuser?
* Is it safe to run diffusers around cats?
* What are some of the top oils to get started with?
* How does lavender help?
* How does peppermint help?
* What are the healing benefits of orange and citrus?
* What do we need to know about blood pressure, heart disease and essential oils?
* What is Ylang Ylang, and what does it mean that it’s a “harmonizer”?
* What oil us get a better night’s sleep?
* What oil can help boost our mood?
* What can help with brain fog?
* Which essential oils can help balance hormones?
* Which essential oils help conquer food cravings and help us lose weight?
* Which essential oils offer athletic performance benefits?
* Which essential oils help with inflammation?
* Which essential oils help kids (and adults) with asthma?
* Which essential oils help with ADHD symptoms?
* Which essential oils help with libido and getting pregnant?
* Are there essential oils that help animals – particularly with anxiety?
* Are there essential oils to help with smoke and forest fires?
* Why do we want a diffuser in every room?
* What is the one single most important thing we can do with aromatherapy (or removing toxins) to help our bodies?
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