Violet Flame | Saint Germain |528Hz| Divine Mercy and Troubleshooting
Violet Flame | Saint Germain |528Hz| Divine Mercy and Troubleshooting
Violet Flame | Saint Germain |528Hz| Divine Mercy and Troubleshooting
©Quintta Dimension Copyright 2022 All rights reserved.
Music with specific healing frequencies (extremely strong) to connect with the energy of the Ascended Masters and the great white fraternity.
Listen with headphones, as the melody and frequencies act directly on the water in your body. And in your vibratory field.
Induces immediate relaxation and communication with higher dimensions.
What does the violet flame represent?
The violet flame acts by identifying everything that needs to be cleaned and renewed, bringing liberation to those in need. She works on both the physical and spiritual planes and can even work from a distance.
This flame is the expression of the Seventh Ray, which unites matter and spirit. This ray is a divine tool capable of transforming behaviors and ideas. Its main benefits are:
1) Treat diseases;
2) relieve suffering;
3) heal trauma;
4) clears negative karma;
5) help in difficulties.
The violet flame acts on:
cities, countries and the entire planet.
Ezequiel is the instructor of souls within the action of the Seventh Divine Ray, he maintains the guardianship of the Violet Fire, current of pure divine energy.
Archangel of appeals and transformation, transmuting misused energies through words, thoughts, feelings and attitudes.
Every human accumulation creates a heavy atmosphere that exerts an unpleasant pressure around humanity, therefore, every human creation must be dissolved and transmuted into perfection. Those who do not invoke this aid for their purification will have to go through this process soon after physical death.
Archangel Ezekiel deals with this on the inner planes; that is why a Temple of Violet Fire was erected in the astral, where humanity will be able to purify itself.
Those who seek Ezekiel’s help in life receive the benefits even in life.
When we ask for the help of Archangel Ezequiel and his divine complement Amethyst so that the Violet Fire passes through our lives, Ezequiel and Amethyst move their angels so that our appeals to the angelic world are answered.
#saintgermain #violetflame #arcangel #archangelezekiel