RUTILATED QUARTZ Healing Properties

RUTILATED QUARTZ Healing Properties

RUTILATED QUARTZ is Clear Quartz riddled with needle-like pieces of Golden Rutile, often called “The Hairs of Venus.” It can clear energy blockages of all the chakras and stimulates the alignment of the mind and body.

• Rutilated Quartz is said to attune you to their Divine Purpose, connecting them with the spiritual realm and their angels.

• Stimulates life force and positive energy, high conductivity power to penetrate the armor physical, mental and energetic, facilitates communication with the “I” superior, powerful healing and energizing, acts on all Chakras.

• It helps the body to assimilate nutrients, strengthens the immune system, prevents depression and slows aging.

• . Alleviates fear and stress. Clean and harmonizes the aura. Its healing properties are very powerful, transmuting reconstituting bodily ills and affected parties. Combining his strength with black tourmaline, helps dramatically discard destructive behavior patterns of others and do not concern us.

• It has the power to delay the aging process by disinfectants and energizing effects. Revitalizes and speeds healing, regeneration and reorganization of the cell structure. Useful in degenerative brain, heart failure, fatigue and tiredness.

• It provides new energy to the sad and weary hearts. It gives strength to face reality and is very useful in depressions fatigue. It offers great protection against harmful electromagnetic fields and waves. Increases and directs the electromagnetic field vital aura reconstructs holes. Banishes fear.Excitement and relaxation. Ensure that helps reinvest the aging process and that takes away the fear. For enthusiasm and determination, it is recommended to support him in the throat chakra.
