POWERFUL Phenacite Crystal Energy and Attunement Transmission (Please read the description)

POWERFUL Phenacite Crystal Energy and Attunement Transmission (Please read the description)

Today I am bringing you another AMAZING and POWERFUL crystal energy and attunement transmission!

And today’s featured stone is the HIGH vibration crystal, PHENACITE!

Listen at a comfortable volume and please check in with your body and senses to ensure you do not over do it, as this channelled energy can be intense.

Otherwise, hydrate, relax, breathe deep and receive…

Peace, Love and Blessings

Please Note: A friend requested I make these Crystal Energy and Attunement Transmission sessions longer, but I find that when I make them longer, people feel obliged to watch the whole video and can easily overwhelm themselves. So, once you are attuned and can handle and resonate with the crystal energy videos then I will ask you to please loop the video if you would like to enjoy it for extended periods of times. Thanks for your understanding XO

About Phenacite:

Phenacite is also known as Phenakite.
Phenacite crystal energy is a potent high vibrational crystal energy.
It is a crystal energy of the Light that generates pure, clear white light, that has the ability to clear energy pathways in the body.

Phenacite energy stimulates and activates your inner vision, as well as the crown chakra, third eye chakra and pineal gland, and may boost your intuition and enhance your telepathic ability.

Phenacite energy is a potent healing energy that has the ability to clear and heal any chakra.

If used consistently, this highly spiritual crystal energy will lead you in a new direction, and may bring you to new levels of spiritual advancement, that will lead to rapid personal growth.

One powerful reason to use Phenacite energy, is that it has an amazingly high vibration that stimulates the crown chakra, and then the soul star chakra in the etheric body. Then this energy quickly elevates to the higher transpersonal chakras, and activates them.

Once activated, this impressive crystal healing energy will assist white light from spirit, to flow down from the etheric and through the entire body. The resultant healing within the physical body is extremely valuable.

It will help you to make contact with beings in the higher spiritual realms, including making a connection with angels and the Ascended Masters.
Phenacite energy is an amazing vibration that can easily be felt by most people because it is very strong.

The energy of Phenakite is also highly stimulating to the third eye chakra, and can create a powerful rush of energy throughout the frontal area of the brain, which also can stimulate brain changes.

Although Phenacite energy has a lot of different virtues its most powerful attribute is its efficiency at aiding your progress on whatever path you decide to head down.

This is an energy that can be used by anyone who desires an increase in their personal growth. If you are on a path of ascension, this is an energy that will aid your growth in that area.

Having this energy in your life will result in strong spiritual growth and learning and synchronicities will be elevated.

Phenacite energy is a worthy aid on your spiritual journey, as its energy will move the process of spiritual growth along more quickly.

If you have been doing spiritual or alchemical healing work on yourself with the end result being ascension, you will be aided by this energy.

For assisting Lightbody activation, use this energy in meditation as it will bring through an amazing flow of energy that will result in totally new spiritual experiences.

To make the most of this energy, meditate with this energy/listen to this track regularly.

Phenacite is one of the Synergy Twelve Stones!

PAYPAL DONATIONS/ENERGY EXCHANGE LINK: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=MLQH4ZMVYULAS&source=url

Powerful Crystal Energy and Attunement Transmissions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGiZJq47t88&list=PLBcr79h6H-6PFZm5Ipzm0Va2mgJsGtlTp

Powerful Chakra Healing, Clearing and Aligning Sessions Playlist:

Disclaimer: The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or heard on my channel.

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1 Comment

  1. The Spirit Tea Room on June 25, 2021 at 2:11 am

    If you find any of my sessions helpful, you are welcome to share with others…
    Peace, Love and Blessings xo