Obsidian Crystal for Healing, Jewelry & Everyday Uses | What is Obsidian Black & Minecraft Obsidian

Obsidian Crystal for Healing, Jewelry & Everyday Uses | What is Obsidian Black & Minecraft Obsidian

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Obsidian Crystal for Healing, Jewelry & Everyday Uses. What is Obsidian Black & Minecraft Obsidian? Talking of obsidian crystal, black obsidian, black obsidian crystal, black obsidian bracelet benefits, Minecraft obsidian, what is obsidian, obsidian spiritual benefits, rainbow obsidian, rainbow obsidian benefits, rainbow obsidian crystal, snowflake obsidian, snowflake obsidian crystal, snowflake obsidian steven universe, mahogany obsidian, mahogany obsidian healing properties, mahogany obsidian benefits, golden obsidian, natural healing remedies, obsidian healing wand, mahogany obsidian healing properties, black obsidian healing properties, green eye obsidian healing bracelet. Hi everyone, welcome to my channel. If you are new to me, kindly click on the red subscribe button down below to subscribe to my channel free of charge, so that you don’t miss anything on this channel. In this video, I would be sharing with you everything you need to know about obsidian such as the meaning, types, healing properties & everyday uses of obsidian. You may have been hearing this for the first time or maybe you do hear about it but not sure of what it is. So what is obsidian? Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass, formed as an extrusive igneous rock. Yes, it is an igneous rock, it forms when molten rock material cools so rapidly. It is an amorphous material known as a “mineraloid.” The result of this formation is a volcanic glass with a smooth uniform texture. The first use of obsidian by people probably occurred when a sharp piece of obsidian was used as a cutting tool by people during the Stone Age. People then discovered how to skillfully break the obsidian to produce cutting tools in a variety of shapes. It was used to make knives, arrowheads, and many other weapons and tools.
Where can you find Obsidian? Obsidian is found in many locations worldwide such as Argentina, Canada, Greece, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Russia, United States, and many other locations around the globe. It is limited to areas of geologically recent volcanic activity. Obsidian forms in a variety of cooling environments such as: where lava contacts water
• where lava cools
• edges of a lava flow
• edges of a volcanic dome
• edges of a sill Types of Obsidian. Here are the 5 different kinds of Obsidian you can find: 1. Black Obsidian
2. Rainbow Obsidian
3. Snowflake Obsidian
4. Mahogany Obsidian
5. Golden Obsidian
Uses of Obsidian
The following are the uses of Obsidian:
1. Obsidian in Jewelry making
Obsidian is a popular gemstone. It is often cut into beads or used to manufacture tumbled stones. It is can be polished into highly reflective beads.
2. Obsidian in Construction Industry
Obsidian rocks are used for interior and exterior decoration. Gravels and pebbles from obsidian rocks are a favorite material for creating architectural beauty and artwork on walls, ceiling and floors of the building. And, 3. If you believe in spirituality, obsidian crystal can be used for protection.
The Obsidian crystal is one of the most powerful for protection. It brings negativity within your energy field to the surface and allows you to confront the unwanted energy you have been holding onto. It is powerful for energy clearing and healing. Its energy can help to draw out any toxic or heavy emotions if you use it by:
1. Wearing it in the form of jewelry is a powerful way to connect with the stone’s energy throughout the day.
2. By carrying it in your purse or pocket. and
3. Placing it: That is, place obsidian crystal somewhere prominent in your space to protect your environment and everyone in it.
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