My Spiritual Healing Journey!

My Spiritual Healing Journey!

Hey babies!!
I hope you guys enjoyed my spiritual healing journey video! It took me only a few months to become a better me and connect with my higher self and if I can do it you can too!!
If you have any questions pls reach out!

Follow My Socials
Ig: paradisecoke
Snapchat: Kay.sofine
Twitter: parismamaa

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My crystals collection-

Amethyst: dispels negativity and creates a peaceful atmosphere.

Citrine: crystal of manifestation, enhances motivation, stimulates creativity, helps with depression and fatigue.

Black tourmaline: protects you and your space from negative vibes, helps with feeling overwhelmed or highly emotional.

Clear quartz: Boosts clear thinking and a positive outlook, amplified the energies of other crystals.

Lepidolite: Helps with anxiety, creates a sense of calm, attracts support from others.

Aventurine: Attracts luck, abundance and opportunity, promotes wealth, helps with soothing quick tempers.

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