LANTERN HACK. Don't burn Lamp Oil = Health WARNING! cancer / asthma / allergies

LANTERN HACK. Don't burn Lamp Oil = Health WARNING! cancer / asthma / allergies

Fix your lantern, take it outside. Avoid health problems. Keep your lungs healthy, breathe better. Why use natural, organic Olive Oil instead of synthetic petroleum based lamp oils, even if it has fragrances ? Benefits of Olive Oil: Cheap, clean, burns brighter, serves a dual purpose. Many lamp oils can contain petroleum based products that can be hazardous to your health. Lamp oils can also evaporate, spill, and cause pose potential fire hazards as well. While I have not done the “math” in quite some time, olive oil has a thicker viscosity, it does not burn as rapidly as other oils, and in my opinion, burn brighter and cleaner. Also, olive oil does not seem to have an evaporation issue, unlike many other designated lamp oils found on the market. So, though it is initially more expensive, I believe it is cheaper in the long run: giving you more “mileage” (burn time) for the buck. Also, it is duel purpose which is ideal for “prepping,” whereas petroleum base oils are not suitable for cooking. Disclaimer: Children should not play with matches. Please use Parental Supervision.

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Love and Prayers, Matt and Sarah Fish.

Take It Outside
c/o Matt Fish
HC 30 BOX 7V

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