Health Benefits of Artichokes

Health Benefits of Artichokes

Health Benefits of Artichokes.
#HealthBenefitsofArtichokes #ArtichokesBenefits #Artichokes
00:00 Introduction
By absorbing water from the stomach, the vegetable fibers of the artichoke help us control our appetite; In addition, they provide a feeling of satiety and promote weight loss.
The artichoke is a vegetable as tasty as it is versatile. Among its leaves is a treasure trove of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. A gift for our health, always considered an ally for the body.

For its remarkable virtues, during the Middle Ages, for example, the artichoke was one of the most expensive foods that existed. It was one of the tastiest ingredients at that time.

The artichoke has always been a highly appreciated food. It is known that the Greeks and Romans already consumed it; then, during the Middle Ages, it was introduced into England by the hand of King Henry VII. Later in time, she crossed the Channel and made Catherine de Medici become one of its most ardent consumers.

Artichokes, also known as Cynaras. All parts of them are used to enjoy their wonderful properties. That is the reason why we can find them in capsule form.

If you prefer to consume it in its natural form, remember to choose the one that is heavier and has thick yolks and a light green tone; these are the healthiest. Next, we will see all the benefits of this wonderful vegetable.

01:25 Benefits of artichoke:
Due to its wonderful digestive properties, it is ideal for treating diseases such as uric acid , rheumatism, and gallbladder stone problems. It also reduces triglycerides in the blood, which is why it is really valuable to fight cholesterol.

Another of its advantages is that it helps us regulate constipation and diarrhea. Likewise, the artichoke relieves heartburn and eliminates aches, strains and discomfort.

In fact, according to certain data from the journal Phytotherapy Research, artichoke contributes to improving the symptoms of patients with irritable bowel syndrome. In particular, the artichoke leaf extracts consumed daily reduced IBS symptoms by 26% and improved quality of life by 20%.

On the other hand, thanks to their benefits to help reduce cholesterol, artichokes are magnificent allies to improve arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure problems. Its ability to take care of our stomach and aid in digestion allows the artichoke to be also perfect for eliminating the flow of bile.

02:35 Other advantages of the artichoke:
The artichoke is used in diets; Thanks to its vegetable fibers, it is more than perfect to control the appetite. By absorbing water from the stomach, it gives a very beneficial feeling of satiety.
The artichoke provides us with endless vitamins and minerals: magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, vitamin A, B vitamins, it transforms sugar into energy… It is, without a doubt, a more than basic vegetable for our daily diet.
It has diuretic properties, eliminates fluid retention from the body and eliminates toxins. It is, therefore, ideal for gout problems, arthritis, liver diseases, circulatory problems and to reduce fat.
The caffeic, pantotheic acids and flavonoids of the artichoke are very suitable to prevent and improve against some types of cancer.

03:30 How to take the artichoke?
The best way to enjoy artichokes is steamed and cooked. Once made, you can accompany them with a little olive oil and apple cider vinegar. They are as healthy as they are tasty.
Remember that, to cook them, you must clean them and trim them a little, both the stem and the skin on the outside. The stem, for its part, is very suitable in soups and salads.
If you want to enjoy them boiled, put them in a pot with water and then add the juice of 1 or 2 lemons. Then, cover the pot and, when the water begins to boil, let them cook for 30 to 40 minutes over low heat. Finally, take them out and drain them; It will be then when you have them ready to consume.

04:17 How to make artichoke slimming tea?
As we pointed out previously, the artichoke is often used to make weight loss diets . Thanks to its properties to satisfy the appetite and to eliminate liquids, it stands on its own as one of the most suitable vegetables for these cases.

One way to do this is through artichoke tea. We explain how to do it and how to take it:

20 to 25 grams of artichoke leaves.
250 ml of boiling water.

Preparation Method:
Take the clean artichoke leaves to a saucepan with boiling water.
Let it boil for about ten minutes.
After this time, remove them from the heat, drain them and let them rest for another five minutes.
You can consume up to 3 cups a day of this infusion. For the satiating effect of the artichoke to be more effective, it is recommended to drink 1 cup of artichoke tea 30 minutes before each meal.

In short, we are in the presence of an outstanding natural tool to improve our health. Depending on your particular case, you can take advantage of any of its indisputable benefits just by consuming a little on a regular basis.