Healing selenite crystal benefits. Cleansing negativity

Healing selenite crystal benefits. Cleansing negativity

A summary of selenite properties, healing benefits and a few ways of working with Selenite.
Selenite is a great energy cleanser!
I record a couple of these videos a month plus Reiki crystal healing videos and crystal readings so if this is something you’re interested in please do support my channel and SUBSCRIBE.

Please remember that crystals are a spiritual support and are not a replacement for medical treatment or advice.

#crystals #crystalhealing #selenite #seleniteproperties #crystalfolklore


  1. Ruth Vernon on November 21, 2022 at 11:10 pm

    My mom got me one of these from you for my birthday! Can’t wait to wear it. Thanks for the education.

  2. Hypnolixir on November 21, 2022 at 11:26 pm

    thank you for sharing this, very interesting! much love