Calming the third eye-Calming Chakra Clearing Meditation Series

Calming the third eye-Calming Chakra Clearing Meditation Series

Ajna, the Third Eye Chakra is the 6th of the 7 major Chakras. The Third Eye is known as “the seat of intuition.” Translations of the Sanskrit name include, “perceive,” “beyond wisdom,” and “command.” Located in the center of the forehead, it acts as the individual’s center of wisdom, conscience, and higher consciousness. Ajna is related to our ability to focus on and see the bigger picture.

An imbalanced third eye chakra can manifest through difficulty seeing the bigger picture, feeling stuck, having a lack of clarity. A balanced Third eye also sparks creativity and inspiration. Practice this calming sound and mudra as a part of creating an overall balance of the third eye and the entire system. Make sure you check out the other videos in this series and share with anyone who might be interested.

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